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Everything posted by consoleplayer

  1. Thanks anyways, this may help a lot of people.
  2. Ok managed to fix my problem with the script myself. If anyone will be needing help with how to do this let me know. I have made a good script for this, it can be upgraded in any way and used with swithces, variables and events. Good for Custom Battle System.
  3. Well and thats my biggest problem. I tried to do that but screwed something up and it doesn't work. I need someone who could tell me how to do it right or point me what piece of code should I use.
  4. I'm using RPG Maker Xp. I need a small script code that will draw me or hide hp/sp of 3 characters on the map(without bars or windows). I made a custom Hud and the only thing I now need to do is to place how many HP/SP they have.
  5. It needs to be done for 3 characters so it will show their HP,SP/Max
  6. Ah and one more thing It's not supossed to be in any window, only text.
  7. Hi there! I have a problem with how to draw HP/max HP and MP on the map screen. I don't want it to be HP,SP Bars just text showing how much hp,sp points I have like the one it the menu screen also I need an option to hide it when I will want to. If anyone can help me with this please reply to me! Thanks.
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