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Chief last won the day on May 18 2014

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About Chief

  • Rank
    Graphic Designer
  • Birthday 07/10/1992

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  • Location
    Ohio, USA


  • Prefered Engine
    RPG Maker XP
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  • Class Title
    Level Designer
  • Other Skills
    Graphic Design

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  1. It's down right now. I might be going with a different name as well, so we'll see. I'll definitely make a thread once I get the chat up and running.
  2. I've been working on a site and game engine. I'm completely ditching forums for the site, and the main community feature will be chat instead. I have it all programmed except for the persistence to the database, but once that's up, and I find out how to automate the deployment, that will be ready to go!
  3. Haha, yeah, this is the first time that I've gotten this far in a project. I've figured out what makes me tick and how I can change my thinking in order to finish something, so fingers crossed! Yeah, my scope is also too large, but that's why I'm releasing the site a feature at a time. This way I can build out the community before I do the store and projects sections.
  4. Working on avatars right now; there's no UI for uploading/setting one, so I did it manually via SQL, but it looks nice!
  5. If you wanna refresh your cache (ctrl+shift+r in chrome on windows), and click the button to add a new thread or reply, you should see a message now that explains how to format your posts; the site uses markdown for that, so it should be really easy to learn, and a lot of sites already use it. I literally JUST updated the site. As for the tiny window size, yeah, the site is gonna be mobile responsive, meaning it could scale all the way down to that thin, but I'm not at that point yet. Still WIP
  6. Really good feedback, thanks! I have converted all of these into tasks for myself.
  7. I've been working on a website 100% from scratch using Node.js for the back-end (with Postgres and Redis), and then React for the front-end. I want to launch the forums in an alpha state within the next couple of weeks, and I need a handful of people to run through a simple process of joining and posting, and then giving me as much feedback as possible. If you're interested, here's the URL: http://eclipse.games/ If you want to go ahead and join, then login, you should then head to the community forums page, and click into the General Discussion forum. Once there, go ahead and create a new thread. You can also throw in a reply to an existing thread. Then if you can give me feedback on the flow of how it all works together, any improvements you see I can make, etc. It's all still pretty rough, but tell me anything and everything you see I can improve so I can keep a log of it.
  8. Hey, I just bought a .games domain as well! Some ideas, though most will probably already be taken, and not all will be good: gdu.games refinery.games dev.games unlimited.games online.games games.games (lol) rp.games rpg.games make.games create.games pro.games community.games fun.games indie.games selfmade.games rpgmaker.games rm.games I can come up with more if you'd like
  9. Some of the info is outdated due to ES6+ spec released, like how "functions are the only scoping instrument that JS has". With the let/const variable keywords, block-scoping has been introduced. Also, with ES6 modules, and bundling tools like webpack, this is all redundant and legacy. Maybe I'm not understanding the thread properly.
  10. Lookin' good, Marked! I just started building a site from the ground up, myself. I'm always impressed with your ability to stick with this place. My ADD would have driven me from it a long time ago. Keep it up!
  11. Temporarily disabled the canvas so I could work on the UI distraction-free. Here's where its at now; the panes are all resizable.
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