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Everything posted by Chief

  1. Noob, you don;t need to pay to learn any of this stuff. I am 100% self taught in everything I know relating to the web. (mod can merge these, jsut wanted to make sure he saw this) and oh god! Don't give any money to w3schools! They have extremely faulty information on soooo many things. They are not a legitimate source of information. DO NOT GIVE THEM AYTHIG.
  2. Gah! I was completely offended, until I read "unless you're the UI guy" ... lol. I put just as much work into my front-ends as the back-end from the programmers that I work with. Front-end is no small task. I started learning HTML when I was 11, and since I was younger and my brain could attain information must quicker and at a more solid state, I mastered it quickly. Learning at age 20 is much more difficult, but doable. I have recently been learning jQuery. I do agree with you Marked, in that php should be learned. I know VERY VERY BASIC php, just enough to "include" things so that I don't have to copy/paste pages like you were saying. However, because my job is to focus on front-end, I generally don't have to worry about php. That's what my back-end guys are for.
  3. Alright. It's just hard to see where GDU is going because it is just a forum right now, and I don;t really understand the layout of most content on here. It still feels really centered around the forum. However, it IS still just a forum, so that's probably why it feels so centered around it, lol.
  4. Like I had said before, forums are a dying sort of software. The internet has moved a lot more towards more social networking than message boards. If a site like this is to succeed, it would have to behave a lot more like a network, and less like a forum. You can still have a forum, in fact I encourage it, but I believe that ModDB was so successful because it's not just another forum. It's a lot more like a social network than a forum. They still have a forum, but that's not where the main focus is. I'd really love it if you were to continue, just gotta rethink your strategy.
  5. http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/tutorials/htmlcss-tutorials/quick-tip-easy-css3-checkboxes-and-radio-buttons/ I wrote a tutorial on how to use CSS3 to style check boxes and radio buttons. This is the end product: Please, check it out and let me know what you think! http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/tutorials/htmlcss-tutorials/quick-tip-easy-css3-checkboxes-and-radio-buttons/ Ian, the guy who owns the webdesign part of tutsplus really seemed to like it and would like me to write more quick-tips when I can.
  6. Once I get into it myself, Sure, I'd Help support it. As of right now, though, I am incapable. I lack the time & the knowledge. For the most part, Mobile falls under HTML5 these days, unless you are using Objective-C and are developing strictly for iOS.
  7. I would really suggest HTML5 over mobile, but they may as well be the same, except that when I do get back to game development, and I will be using HTML5, I won;t focus on mobile, but rather just support it. My main focus will still be larger screens.
  8. You like Gabe? Gabe is a fool. I can't stand him for not making an HL3, but I suspect that because of Source2, HL3 may become a reality. If not, then I will boycott Valve.
  9. dolarmak, you may not be aware, but Valve/Steam is coming out with a console soon. It will have all their games, plus all of their current modding capabilities. Its truly a revolution in both gaming and game consoles. This will definitely revive the console wars and kick the competitors in the butt in order for them ro start producing game changing devices.
  10. I'm gonna have to say that Mobile gaming is indeed a fad. I installed angry birds once it was free, played it for about a month on my breaks at work, and got bored of it. Mobile games seem to pop in and out of counciousness every once in a while, but eventually fade back into lameness. Take gaming on phones, pre-smartphones. There were things like monopoly, and even some action-like games like ninja turtles, but as soon as internet on phones became more prevelant, the focus went to social networking. Who has time to play a mobile game? I am constantly checking emails and my facebook between my classes. I havent even played an actual video game in about 6 months or so. I envy those of you who get to play them daily. So, I guess this also really depends on the market. If you want to market to high-schoolers, then by all means! They would totally play this. But the moment you get thrust into adulthood, who has time? Don't get me wrong though. I'm not so busy that I don't have fun, but I find my fun in being more productive now that I actually have to. I think more and more the focus of gaming will be HTML5 and browser-based, with mobile capability. I just don't think mobile as the main focus is a good idea. Supporting it is essential, but I would definitely not make it the focal point.
  11. That's not true. Google can find your website, but you will have to post the URL to places. I know that my business' website is on google, but that's because we posted a lot about our opening on sites like yahoo, LinkedIn, and other business related places. The best thing you can do in order to get your site shown on google is to first to a bit of advertising yourself. Just make sure not to spam.
  12. Hopefully Jon Bon is gone for good. I hate to sound like a jerk, but he really is just not wanted around here anymore.

    1. Marked


      Who is sprouting this around like gossip? No one is sprouting anything around and we're not making public private matters. There is some benefit in my reply to this status because it may warn members about him. I warned Shingamix and it happened to him, and he told everyone what happened on the forums. I'm not going to do that. I don't want you to dislike him, it doesn't matter, because he's gone. Make up your own mind about him but take it from me, proceed with caution if...

    2. Marked


      you deal with him.

    3. Bigace360


      Okay never mind appeareantly everyone is getting butthurt about it so I i'll let it go. I never said it wasn't benefitual. But I didn't know what he did but betray you. I kind of wanted to know the whole story before hating someone. But don't worry about this and sorry for provoking this. Let's just let it die.

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  13. Jon Bon, after being a double crossing, arrogant little prick, how do you still think it appropriate to act the way you do towards other people? I think the time has come for you to leave graciously before we make a mess, aye?

    1. Bob423


      from what his newsletter said on his site, the whole site was less efficient simply because you (shin) were an admin. i hope he didnt mean for it to sound like that O.o

    2. Bob423


      exhibit A "Upon dismissal of Shingamix from Forum Admin, the style and theme were reverted back to the original theme upon forum launch (by me, Jon Bon). Work will be put into reverting it back to it's former efficient state (prior to shingamix joining), I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused." prior to shingamix joining? sounds like he's not to fond of you

    3. ShinGamix


      Thanks for letting me know he is damaging my character and reputaion. This goes against his host site's policy and now I can report it to them with cause.

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  14. Jon Bon, after being a double crossing, arrogant little prick, how do you still think it appropriate to act the way you do towards other people? I think the time has come for you to leave graciously before we make a mess, aye?

  15. Did you read my suggestions about merging?
  16. [removed] On topic, here are a few suggestions for how you could merge a few areas: Merge: Art/Showcase Stories/Lit Multi-Media Merge: Movies/Ent/Media Comics/Manga/Anime Video games should be in the entertainment category. Minecraft should be a sub-forum under video games. That's it for now. There are a few areas I believe could be merged even still, but one step at a time, I suppose.
  17. Nah, I truly do think that many things could indeed be merged. For example, there is no need to have the Show off section to be seperate from multi-media, as its practically the same. If you would at least hide lesser used forums, that would work too. You seem to think I don't know anything.
  18. As I browse through the forums, I have come to the conclusion that the lack of activity is due to there being way to many places to post. There are many things that I feel could be merged. With a smaller area to post in, I feel like people will feel more inclined to post. Right now, its a bit intimidating with how long the forums are.
  19. As a professional Web Designer, I feel my thoughts may have merit here.. First off, I would argue that just a forum does not constitute as a website. I consider a full fledged website to have a home page/landing page, and then some. The other forum I was a part of, I was the Moderator for the Websites section, and I would often lock topics if people were showing off just a forum. However, this does not mean the end of the line for you. I am glad to see you have created a forum. It was my first steps into web design a long time ago. Its a great place to start. Secondly, the design is atrocious. This is not a knock on you, just the simple truth. The banner at the very top is obscure, and doesn't fit naturally. Then, there is a long, scrolling area. Its very distracting and serves no real purpose. Then, further down, looks to be where the forums should really start. The "logo" you have there is nice. You should really remove everything above that. Here is what I would recommend for you: Learn HTML (It is very simple) & CSS. Create a fake, test website, just to get you further acquainted with HTML & CSS. Once confident, find hosting, either Free or Paid, and host a forum on it. None of that "FREE FORUM HOSTING" junk. Use CSS to customize a forum theme. This will help you learn how to style forum themes. Repeat the process many times. Running a website is not as simple as simply setting up a forum. The moment I clicked on your link, I wanted to close out of it because it looks extremely unprofessional and just a mess overall. I do apologize if you think this harsh. I am not one to baby people. When I first was learning HTML and graphic design, I was told many negative things. Was completely belittled and made to seem a fool. I used this negativity to better myself. The truth is really what people need to hear. Not some fairy tale about how their website is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
  20. Some of these may have already been posted. I also do not have any other versions of these files, and will not be editing them as per requests. Feel free to take and edit them as much as you would like. Credit not required, but is always appreciated. Enjoy! Top-Down (Default View) Platformer (Side Scroller) Other, Smaller Things A lot of these, if not all of them, are incomplete. I will not be completing them anytime in the future, but feel free to use bits and pieces, or completely change them to fit your needs.
  21. Yeah, because my PHP is limited to editing little things, Its built on Wordpress, using the buddypress plugin, but I am heavilly modifying it. You wouldnt recognize it when I'm done.
  22. The time has come. I am finally taking to actually making this thing. I have picked up enough PHP knowledge to be able to maneuver through PHP and make edits on my own. I still cannot write PHP, and most of it still confuses me, but through work on a recent, secret project, I have picked up little things here and there. Anyways, what is IndieFolio? Its a website for any indie developer and/or designer. You can create a project page to keep track of development and show your fans how awesome your projects are. projects could range anything from your music compositions, to a full fledged game. At IndieFolio, you can also put up a "Resume" of sorts to show off your skills. The hope is to connect potential team members in order to create more projects. Search for someone of a particular talent and send them a message! Perhaps you two could work together. There will also be a Forum to help open up ideas and projects to a more publicized discussion. Why am I telling you all of this? I am going to need some testers soon. What I am looking for are people with slightly larger projects. Something that could really fill in the pages to help me see how it all looks with a real project in there. If you're interested, reply here with a link to your project. Thanks!
  23. Not sure if true... from steam: Last Online: 42 hrs, 9 mins ago
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