Hi, I'm realitivly new to using RPGXP, First one I'm using.
Im fast learner and I hope to learn alot just from bugging more experienced users. Ive been mainly focusing on getting my sprites perfect to fit the characters of a game Im working on.
No for a bit about me, Im somewhat disorganized (atleast to others), I am 19 years old, I admin 2 forums, but I don't believe in being an advertising whore here. I also do some filming and acting for a web based show called Our Days In--which is why I'm making the game in the first place, to be a humorus version of the show just taken way too far out of context :).
Right now I am working on a few things besides this game (Our Days Out - its a working name for now), Im working on a personal training website, and working on season 2 of Our Days In.
Im going to making live action cut scenes with my production team for the game once its almost ready (its going to be short) But if anyone here needs some actors to do some cut scenes for your games let me know and I'll let you know if its possible ;)
We'll thats about it for now, Im sure you'll see me posting all over place asking silly questions.