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Everything posted by Joko

  1. Haha actually its was a document of my friends email haha. i always would forget it and we use each others emails and paswords for xbox live. We liscense transfered to each other so we can download what we both have bought.
  2. what kinds of event help do you need? i'm pretty decent at eventing,like cutscenes and stuff. i dont mind helping with this project if we actually get a decent team. add me on msn messenger if you have it. sniperjoko@hotmail.com Edit* also i'm out of school tommorow!!!!!!! summer yay haha :) means free time to work on almost anything...
  3. One Marked thats really good xD and i think you should also start with just a simple game first too unless you've already messed with this quite a bit and got used to it. I'm still screwing around with VX and em about to switch to xp because i want to be able to customize mine more. Plus it seems like theres better scripts for it XD
  4. Has anyone made a cool youtube video for the site? like with effects in stuff? i think a video would be a good idea like on the front page. and maybe even make 1 once a month or like every couple months? Also i think the flash type intro or like youtube video would be a great idea,or something showing one of the games created on here that all of us thought was really really good. The arcade is a good idea i remember seeing one on a old runescape private server site called midevilscape. heres the old site http://midevilscape.smfforfree3.com/ I Thought this type of arcade was really cool, it shows who has the most titles/1st place (its me haha).
  5. People will be to stuburn to go green. I know i try to sometimes but i'll never care to much... sadly haha..
  6. haha well i normaly have something up so i dont see my backround. plus i change it like once a day haha
  7. I remember that game :). i have it on my soft modded xbox xD. Umm but i would rather bring back The original Star Ocean for Snes its another action/rpg game but i loved the story to that one.
  8. I'll post mine later. jeez everyone got windows 7? i'll stick with vista haha :) haha my desktop :P
  9. I believe a game needs a story for example Legend of Zelda. I was mainly drawn to this game as a kid because it had a good "Story". But also some games don't need a story at all like Pac-man or tetris. I believe that its kind a 50-50 it depends on the type of game. I believe that rpg games should have a decent story unless its not intended to like a project someone did just because. I say that in order to make a good game you need imagination... thats all just imagination. You can always get help in the other skills you need so there not as important.
  10. some artists to check out ummm, bambu,blue scholars,grynch,and unknown prophets
  11. yeah i havn't been on latly too because of finals :S...i think we have the good staff,good members, but what i think would be a cool feature to add would be on the front page a slide show like thing that shows ALL the games that have been created by members and stuff. or just the top rated one. like may a star system for the games people's make and stuff.
  12. nice :) cant wait to see more
  13. i would say graphics like the new remak of gold and silver if possible. but leafgreen would be cool too!!!
  14. Joko

    Movie Suggestions?

    sex drive,harold and kuma escape from quantanamo bay and white castle,eurotrip,knocked up,lion king (haha),and fresh...if i think of more i'll say those too.
  15. hello welcome to rmxp ulimited. enjoy uour stay :)
  16. Joko

    Calendar Script

    this is a amazing idea is this for vx or xp? :edit nvm but does anyone know of a vx script like this one?
  17. Joko

    The seasons

    i personal love lightning,thunder,and fog because to me they seem so interesting and i cant take my eyes off of them or stop and listen or look because i feel absorbed by them. and i like fall to but spring is probably my favorite :)
  18. im not sure haha im personay straight and this topic confuses me sort of? i dont think you can really say if he's gay or anything because everyone could be diffrent???
  19. Joko

    May Voting

    Thanks haha :lol:
  20. I really enjoyed final fantasy 5 for SNES it was the first final fantasy for me too beat. I think i liked 7? not sure if thats the actual one but i liked the one with blitzball or something like that. but other then final fantasy 1,3,5,and i think 7 i didn't really enjoy them. Plus i only have a xbox360 and orginal modded xbox to play final fantasy games. I think it is going down but up in other ways at the same time. graphics are sexy but i still love the original snes grahics and story :)
  21. Joko

    May Voting

    haha well thanks for nominating me. i personaly didn't nominate anyone because i'd like to get to know everyone and i thought you couldnt re-nominate people or else i would of nominated you :). So instead i decided to watch and see everyone else's votes but no one else did.... i dont wanna feel like a Dictator XD
  22. well hello there i am a new member as well nice to meet you :)? are you working on any project?
  23. i personaly believe you are a good looking adult and im kind of surprised for you to say some of this. Maybe its the area you live in? i think it most likly is the area you live in cause you are a GOOD LOOKING GUY. also a lot of girls are stuck up B****** (I'm not saying all just now days there's a lot of them) I am black as well and live on the west coast (west coast for the win haha) and the area i live in there are hardly any black people at all but still we are respected as everyone else. ALSO.for somereasons some girls now days often act like they don't like you and really do just there emberrised or something ALSO sometimes needs and belief systems need to be looked over because even if your not the same religion you may still both be compatible. Relationships arn't so complicated as they may seem. Only complicated people. if love or relationships was a person it would be the first person i'd curb stomp. i know these are weird questions awnser if you want. what state do you live in? what are the people like? are there a lot of black people there? is there a lot of preppy people at your school? would you say your well known? if so do a lot people like you as a person maybe not in a sexual way?
  24. Welcome to the forums :) im JoKo a new member too
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