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Everything posted by ProjectTrinity

  1. Finally! The site lets me log back in. ; _;

    1. Marked


      o no what happened to my ban filter

    2. Marked
    3. madanchi


      good your back logged in ;D

  2. That feeling you get when you realize why people who have already traveled the road you are traveling act coldly towards people. =\ (Yes it's about people who rather slow me down rather than get out the way and/or do some actual supporting)

  3. Who's willing to help me advertise~? =3 And yes it's about remaking my baby RMXP game. =<

    1. Kiriashi


      If you make something cool I'll put it on the front page.

    2. ProjectTrinity


      My girlfriend is currently finishing up the eventing for Welcome Back. I'll make a purty trailer. XP As for my baby project, I'll still need resources to make something cool for that. xD Hardly any donations for it so far.

  4. The one thing awesome about dedicated girlfriends is that they can RMXP like mad skill, bro. <3

  5. *About to answer the questions* *Sees Serge's comment* Well that answers that! lol The embeded link wasn't working, but now it is! So just let Pizzicato answer any other question you may have. :"3
  6. Whoosh. I've done *all* I could for one day in hopes of driving up support. I just have to leave it up to the awesome folks of the internet now. ; _;

  7. Hello, active community! As a few of you know, ProjectTrinity is a growing group who continues to get more and more done at a higher quality every year. For 2012, we plan on continuing that trend with RPG Maker XP. However, in order to do this, we need to have actual funding for a fully active staff for various reasons. For more information, click the link below. In summary, though: the money will go towards paying the voice actors, mappers, eventers, artists, composers, singers, scripters, and everyone else I did not include here. (If you're on my skepticism list, then loldon'tcountonthehiring.jpg) Yes there are treats for donating so much as a dollar. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcoaBJdUIvQ&feature=channel_video_title Rockethub page to donate
  8. Youtube thinks I'm popular enough to make money off of them. This makes me sad. ; _;

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Marked


      lol i got that email recently too.

    3. kellessdee



    4. ProjectTrinity


      I believe it is a small achievement. Even if I do qualify, I simply don't have the subscriber base to get any money from my views. ; _;

  9. My dragon album is available for download for just $1 if you go through Rockethub http://www.rockethub.com/projects/3887-free-to-play-2d-rpg-mesto-accelerando

    1. Kiriashi


      I only have eight dollars.

  10. Happy Halloween! The PT Team has conjured up 37 crazy voice actors to laugh evily for the day! Also, a bit of grown up language, so...your warning:

  11. Al'asuiga'ta's Original OST is now completely done. Can't wait to showcase the official trailer. <3

  12. Hey, is there an RMXP script that has a loop option for music tracks. It's kind of annoying to have to edit every song so that there's no ending in the middle of battle. =

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Kiriashi


      For a second there I thought you were dissing Disturbed.

    3. kellessdee


      :( no wai, disturbed is awesome. I am however dissing U2

    4. Kiriashi


      Kay. Totally allowed.

  13. I've no chicken outfits whatsoever. *Shades*
  14. Assassin Creed Singer Contest finalist has just sent me the vocals for Al'asuiaga'ta's battle theme. <3 (Yes, growing groups do slowly get connections here and there. With or without help. D< )

  15. Glad to be of help. o.o
  16. Well, my girlfriend certainly doesn't call me John just as a pet name. *Purrs* =3 Because yes, that is my name. Mah' friend and ID Card can attest to this. XP
  17. Posting pics of yourself online is bad. Personal information is like surrendering to the devil. Privacy is super duper important to your self-image. Opinions are never ever wrong. And the boogie man exists. And I have the same opinion on every last one of my sentences: *Scoff* (Apologies, I am still readjusting from the cold and jaded parts of the internet to this more........shy one. Props to everyone who got their pictures up.) You can stalk my images on my Facebook here That confident thug is in fact me.
  18. My music makes me more money than I have Youtube subscribers. . _.

  19. Tomoooooooooooo~! ...Why do all of your posts here count as two instead of one? :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tomo2000


      I got no idea, maybe coz I use internet explorer instead of everything else (Im purely too lazy to change mah intranet program)

    3. Marked


      better be IE 9 Tomo... or there'll be trouble

    4. Kiriashi


      You use IE? BAN BAN BAN!

  20. Waiting has to be the worst part. ._.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ProjectTrinity


      Not you Tomo. Not yet. XD I was waiting for the 15th to come so I can get my new staff together for the final OST for The Perjurer. =D

    3. Tomo2000
    4. Tomo2000
  21. And up went my plans to buy an iPhone. Well, I'm sure there are alternatives if I look hard enough. :I By the way, I will not be voting in thanks to the fact we don't usually support Apple here anyways.
  22. Just so you know that I'm not just looking at your thread and saying "lolnotgonnaanswer", I honestly don't know, so I'm not voting quite yet. D:
  23. I'll refrain from too much excitement until the Engrish trailer comes out.
  24. ...You know, before I started ProjectTrinity, my friends always used to tell me that I would start a cult due to my batsane ideals. Well, I started something, at least!

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