Hey, I signed up to download a script demo but figured, no reason I shouldn't post on another site! I am Elf Wind of phanx games (lol sounds like those fantasy greetings 'I am Sir Faust of Tervani!') son of John the Baptist... No idea, only person that came to midn for somereason lol
Well, I have a couple of projects going, one of which is a team project, unfortunately of the three of us, two are currently absent from online so sucks, huh? lol My other project is my project I work on alone, Chaos Knight or Quill. Well, two right now, but both are in fairly early stages but I will decide which one to continue with as I'd rather work on one game. Possibly combine the two maybe.
Anyway!!! Hey! lol I'm 20, an atheist, love anime and games! WhoO! That's me I guess lol