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Ecowolfsteen last won the day on July 6 2012

Ecowolfsteen had the most liked content!

About Ecowolfsteen

  • Rank
    Supreme Member
  • Birthday October 23


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  • Prefered Engine
    RPG Maker XP
  • Engine Level
    The Best
  • Class Title
  • Other Skills
    Mapper and graphics making
  • Project(s)
    Crescent Moon

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  1. doing my annual check in

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Polraudio


      no posts are deleted so you should be able to see everything.

    3. Marked


      not daily? :( :( :(

    4. Marked


      @Pol is right, but u cant seem them directly on your profile because of the date limitation. You'd have to know exactly where they are, or convince me to change the settings :3

  2. Wow you blew it dude.. Are you American? I take it English is not your first language.
  3. Dude just don't go upstairs, use common sense
  4. Ecowolfsteen

    My Path

    Eh, it's just what I've heard, don't take my word for it.
  5. That idea sounds spooky haha, would definitely be an enjoyable moment in a game.
  6. Ecowolfsteen

    My Path

    People in the games industry can make good money dude, just depends on where you are in the field. I hear of dudes making upwards of 300k+ a year. I think deep down inside of you you know what's best for you, and which will help you stay stable in a financial aspect.
  7. This is a very good idea Ace. It would be cool to see users contribute an idea and have more people give advice and build upon it.
  8. You were the only one responding anyway Ace. I would be glad to start if more people would contribute when i Pmed.
  9. Pretty good I guess. I'm in chat right now if you wanna hang.
  10. Sup. Been a while, how is everyone? I decided to get back in the game.
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