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Everything posted by Ecowolfsteen

  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARKED!!!!!!!!!! Have a nice day!!!
  2. My favorite game would have to be: Momento Vivere. Among the dozens of RMXP games that I have played, only one game truly stands out as a game that not only provides a satisfying RPG experience, but also matches or exceeds the quality of many commercial RPGs. This game is Memento Vivere. After a brief introduction enhanced by nifty graphical effects, the player gets right into the action. You control a female knight named Spade who must escort a boy named Sine to another city. Under this premise lies conspiracies and political ramifications. The world is fully fleshed out, with a complex religion, towns with unique architectures (you won't find towns using the same tilesets), and NPCs that don't act like lifeless robots. The dialogue is extremely well done and flows naturally. There is nary a line of stilted wooden dialogue in sight. I would even go far as to say that the dialogue is poetic and seamless. Enhancing the story are custom tileset edits that make you feel like you're playing a commercial RPG and not just another RMXP game. Memento Vivere is not just an intriguing interactive story. Encapsulating the experience are some well thought out gameplay systems, ranging from the fully functional Chrono Trigger custom menu to the ingenious custom battle system developed by Ccoa. Monster encounters are perfectly balanced and dungeons are designed with enough craft and complexity to not be boring cakewalks or frustrating mazes. Another plus about Memento Vivere is its use of gameplay elements that have not been seen elsewhere. The world map system in particular, while reminiscent of certain simulation RPGs, has not been used in a standard RPG before. And the elements that are borrowed from other games (such as the weapon skills) are used skillfully and in a way that seems like an homage than a ripoff. Any flaws or glitches in the game (such as passability errors) are so insignificant that they do not deserve any mention. Overall, Memento Vivere is a game that everyone must play. It serves to inspire and show fledgling game makers that yes, with enough patience and dedication, you too can create a game of 32-bit commercial RPG quality.
  3. Here is why people are not supporting you that much here: You are seeming like a leech because you didn't even introduce yourself to these forums. If you were to be active, and post more on topics instead of wanting resource topics. Please, if you were not a leech you would be getting more stuff.
  4. Welcome, Welcome, and welcome! Need any help? Ask my minions... Hehehehe.... A.K.A: Kiriashi and Joey.
  5. I'm glad it does. *Hisses*

  7. Very interesting, nice mapping. I'll make sure to play this one!
  8. *Eats Joey* *Spits out Malaico* *Eats Malaico*
  9. Never had a proper welcome for you, Welcome! Now...*STEALS MORE COOKIES AND BLOWS UP FROM BLOATINESS!!*
  10. *Eats Malacio* RAAAAAAAAAAAAAWRWRWRWR!!! I hope it's nice and cozy in there.
  11. My profile pic or avatar? *Eats Den.*
  12. Sorry, I'm Mister Rawrpants today. Still, I don't like people coming in here thinking they can get anything they want from one little topic. They won't ever come back. They leech.
  13. Kiriashi took the words right out of my mouth, I would make a paragraph of how ridiculous your request is and why someone would even gather/make these for you when you can simply work hard and not rely on everybody else to make things for you. Good day now. Oh yeah, Welcome to the Forumz.
  14. *Asks web browser* Computer says no.
  15. Heh Heh.. Duse...Anyway, WELCOME!! If you need any help at all just ask!
  16. I'm guessing you do know this random guy...... *Awkward*...
  17. Hm, interesting name... I would love to learn German, sounds so cool and mean at the same time.
  19. 'Tis lurking teh forumz.....*Hisses* Sunlight hurts... *Steals cookie and noms*
  20. Yes, Broken you are an Admin there because you were a MOD on RMDB. We don't want to start making people MODs yet. The site had some recent downtime, Kage was working on it, It is fixed now.
  21. That looks pretty nice Broken. But a little bland, and I think he meant tileset graphics and not a BackDrop Since those kind of graphics fit with that tower I saw it would look better.
  22. I'd use it. I could offer mapping help. (Shaddup Kiriashi, I'm awesome at it now.)
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