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Everything posted by Ecowolfsteen

  1. But I can't. And sorry can't play video games, doing stuff to the Wii. Lol. I can't let her go... She is my only love, If you lived in my town you would understand... (Bunch of white-trash good for nothing hookers and dumb***es) She... GAH! *Facepalm* Idk what to do...! *Head-Desk*
  2. They're probably not, my only true love, killed my heart.
  3. Sorry for the DP, but, she broke up with me today... My heart has turned to dust, my passion for love now a complete mess. I'm giving up. I can't find anybody. The worst part is... She left me for someone else and I still love her. Heres how my day went: At lockers before home room: Upset Home Room: Upset and annoyed 2nd Period: Feeling like crying 3rd Period: Chillaxed but still sad 4th Period: (Sorry for this but...) SUPER PISSED! 5th Period: Pissed Lunch: Mellow but trying to make eye contact with her, and rejected. 15 mins after lunch: GODZILLA TIME!!!! 7th Period: I feel like breaking my pacifist rule but refuse not to 8th Period: Happy but sad 9th Period: Pissed Walk Home: Crying I sit here in a broken world wondering what tomorrow is going to bring forth. :(
  4. Heres the deal: The site just moved to paid hosting thanks to Kage_Kazumi. (So awesome...) The first post will be updated rather soon to specify all of the nifty details.
  5. Is IG Maker good... ?

    1. Marked


      lol @ joey. You should have heard of it by now... we used to have a forum for it and all....

    2. Kiriashi


      Nope. End of discussion.

    3. Joey


      ...*discusses more*

    4. Show next comments  63 more
  6. Going to work on a mini comic I've been wanting to do for a while.

  7. It's very hard to spend time with her. Even though we see each other at school, we're very busy. I'll talk to her at lunch and when we go out on the track for 15 mins after.
  8. No No No NO! She said she loved me to that friend. I feel like I need to say it back too...Because I do love her. She makes me so happy and warm inside.
  9. Thanks guys. I..Love her...I;m going to tell her that i love her tomorrow. Wish me luck. Oh yeah, Den, her best friend( A girl I've had a crush on 'till now) said if I break her heart that she would cut my d**koff...O.o
  10. Got a girlfriend Friday! W00T!

    1. madanchi


      "no no, no, nono no no, theres no limits"


      2 Unlimited FTW, real techno before it got chavified...

    2. Ecowolfsteen
  11. Dude, I'm not lying. I don't lie. Her name is Kirsten Fox.
  12. I nominate Kage Kazumi for being kind, fun, and active a lot lately. Good Luck!
  13. I've known this girl since 1st grade and we just started going out Friday! Yes! She is beautiful, funny, and in all the advanced classes with me. We just went out to a school volleyball game today and held hands. Do you have a girlfriend?
  14. Wow! Thanks Broken, and thank you Kiri for making that helpful post. I'll make sure to get this to RG!
  15. Thats beast! Aren't you in the Air Force?
  16. No, I've been to this site. Since you typed in RMXPUnlimited, he came up because he uses RMXP. He made his own spriting template called Chai.
  17. Sorry for this guys but...ONCE AGAIN POL! It's not "It don't", it's "It doesn't"! Please, watch your grammar or I will kill you.
  18. Wakes up to find a garbled mess of forums. "Wha...What happened here?!" I grunted while pushing a period off of me. *Looks around* "This is...Cr-...Crazy..," I said. *Finds myself standing on top of the broken mess of the RMXPU sign* "This is..Disgusting...," I said picking up a mushy piece of text..."Looks like...SPAM...," I said observing the forums. I jumped down on to Main Center passing my destroyed Board Panel. Seemed like both of the blue folders containing all of our posts was set on fire. Only tiny little scraps remained at the bottom of Main Center. I scanned the area I was around and found a broken link. I reluctantly stepped over to it hoping no spam would pop out. "Safe..," I said with satisfaction, exhaling. The broken link was quickly fixed and I was sucked into it. Inside was the largest spam I had ever seen. "This...this...is...so sad...," I said almost crying. The rubble started to shake and churn-a garbage formed arm came out of the rubble. Suddenly, a mighty spam monster rose up challenging me to a duel.
  19. I'm not really sure...I have a friend that I want to ask out but she...Idk...I can't tell if she likes me or not. One day shes all happy and the next shes completely negative towards me. We've been good friends for 3 years. Which in those 3 years, I have had a huge crush on her. I do everything for her. I wish I could give the world to her. But, the thing is...There's a winter dance coming up, and she keeps asking me who I want to take. I think she wants to go with me. Lately shes been cuddling up to me because her last boyfriend was a jerk and broke up with her. Tomorrow I think I might ask her to the dance as friends. She doesn't have anybody to go with either. Well, we'll see. Good luck RG.
  20. Yea, Mixcraft 5 kinda sucks...I'm going to kick off my HDD. Lol
  21. I'm bisexual Joey.. I think only RG knew that...
  22. HEY GUYS! I'm BI! Haha..No...Seriously...I am... >_>, ah shnuff.
  23. How are you posting now.....?? You have no PC! Unless you have a PC in your brain!!!
  24. You do..? When did this happen....*Looks around* Guys..>_>....<_<....Ah, Penis.
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