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Everything posted by Ecowolfsteen

  1. I'm downloading it. Still playing?
  2. JOEY! How did you edit my post!! You're not a mod. Penis. Joey: See? I have full control over these boards, mwa ha ha ha ha! :3
  4. There is an equivalent of Garbage band for Windows. 'Tis called http://www.acoustica.com/mixcraft/download.htm I am installing now to give you a (hopefully) positive review on it! WARNING:Very long install.
  5. Ok, thanks Pol... You were always my favorite....
  6. Hmmmm....Those are very interesting ideas. I like the mind reading one, seems cool. Virus one seems to...Generic. I might use the mind reading one, thanks.
  7. Ecowolfsteen

    xp wont run

    I know this is really off topic but stuff like this bugs me. It's "The newer XP doesn't come with the RTP" NOT "The newer XP dont come with the RTP" Sorry, really wanted to clarify.
  8. No, manga is just an art style. Wanna an american manga? Try Maximum Ride or Scott Pilgrim..So, anybody have any story ideas? I started my own 5 page manga a week for school but thats not going to be for a while.
  9. I need a VX script that can do this: Combine items the player has found into one item. Please any help is appreciated. :D
  10. Yes, I've been digging through it's archives for about 20 minuites now...Amazing... :shok: They also have a section dedicated to futuristic tilesets. So, whenever some rampaging noob comes through here saying "WHAAAAA I WANT FUTURE TILESETS!!!! WAAAHHH!" Give them this &type=futuriste...
  11. *Dances around like a little girl watching Justin Beiber sing*

    1. madanchi


      hes the most hated person on the net, and I for one dispise him

    2. Marked


      nah i feel bad for him. its sad, the media screwed his life. Just like michael jackson, britany spears etc.

    3. madanchi


      yeah but he basically got noticed jus5t ebcause of money

    4. Show next comments  66 more
  12. I tend to make people do that. But no seriously, she looks very nice.
  13. I was like :shok: , then I was like :drool:! Hey, good job! Looking at some of them now. :alright: RPG-MAKER.FR is very good. They have a Castle Town tileset that comes complete with packed market supplies. It's very nice. I also found tilesets Shalaren is using Cheif... :lol:
  14. Crimson, you have come a long way since Danny. I can see how good you are improving. Good job. Ihave also been spriting for quite a while now, and, have become very good at it...(In my opinion..:P). BTW, I think she looks good, even with those sandals. I like the color..It really suits her.
  15. Seems cool... I might want to join..But..Working on my own project atm.
  16. Let me have the chance to congratulate you on your Nobel Peace Prize!!! *Looks around room* Whoops...Wrong...Member...Hsssss....Welcome..Yeah....
  17. Ecowolfsteen


    WRONG A dead penguin! :rofl:
  18. Yes, Yes it does, When it was really my fault. I double-posted. Got warned with a PM, Did it again and then got warned publicly. It's not that big of a deal.
  19. Eheh. Yeah. Your welcome. Sorry about this. This topic is getting out of hand over a little teeny weeny double post...I actually think it's silly. And besides, Knuckles should've told you about this in a PM then blowing it all out of proportion here. Stick with the PM's guys, lol. :alright:
  20. Ecowolfsteen


    I ate it. Lol. I have no idea. I suck at these... <_< What is white and black, and has red all over?
  21. He's right there. All he does is help out with this community. And..Yes. It was out of the line for me to double post like that, but, sometimes, I can be a bit idiotic and not notice what I have done. I feel like this is all my fault that you guys are getting in an argument. Please, stop this. Let's put this behind us and move on. OK?
  22. Nytime dude. My kitteh cat likes your project too. :3
  23. Sweeeeet! Full game! *Noms on it*
  24. Rawr. I switched anyway..Have you even looked at the new site. broken is working on logo. and I am doing a crap ton of things... :sweatdrop:
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