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About Valora17

- Birthday 02/01/1993
Profile Information
Southern California
Prefered Engine
RPG Maker XP
Engine Level
Getting There
Class Title
Pokemon - Ruins of Alvaron
Sorry for the lack of updates! But here are three images and good news at the bottom :) Here are three maps for you to look at. Eventually the first one becomes an important place in-game, while the other two are less important. Barn. You /recieve/ your pokeballs and starter here. Oh, and as time grows this will only get more and more complex as rooms begin to show up :] Rival's rooms. Since one of your rivals is male and the other female... I'm sure you can guess which room belongs to who. The male's room has more in it (event-wise) as the game goes on than the females room but they both have a decent amount of events. AND Another (relatively new) Fakemon! Chiq, the Chick Pokemon. It is Steel/Flying and based on a quail ^^ It evolves when introduced to either Iron Coat or Gold Ore (I haven't decided which I want to use, but it only has 1 evolution). They're bit fuzzy because of the resize, me thinks. AND now for the good news: I ran into a little issue with my eventing last week which is why I couldn't get to making a video this week. Today, however, I decided that I was determined to figure out the problem and I solved it 8] So I shall be working my bum off to finish the eventing and start up at least a short video. EDIT: Also, I am still in DESPERATE need of a Trainer Spriter D:
@Chief: Thank you very much :] @Rook: I'd rather do the indoor tiles and buildings myself since I already started >> Though I do need help with Nature Tiles >>; And I'm not entirely sure what you're referencing as "your work" since I've yet to post any maps in which your tiles are shown... >>; Or maybe you were referencing the wooden floor tiles? O.O? Other than that... >>; Anywho, thanks for the post and I've seen your thread already on the other forum... :] @Kiriashi: 8] And just a minor update, I plan on doing a bit of the eventing each day for the next few days so that I can at least have a small video posted by the end of next week. Of course, this is all theoretical because the eventing may take a while for me to do. I am also STILL looking for people to help with human sprites ^^ Or if anyone has 'bases' for the Vs. Screen heads... I could possibly use those and have a small version of the intro posted as well. If you are interested in helping feel free to drop me a PM. If you have AIM, Skype, Yahoo IM, or MSN we can communicate more quickly (since I have AIM, Yahoo, and MSN on my phone and Skype on my desktop), so just ask me for them in a PM. And with that I bid you farewell for the time being ^^
Just a small text-filled update: Maps for Wisteria Town (Name may change) are completed, eventing needs to take place and will be done --in theory-- by this weekend. This should allow me to have at least a small video of the first town posted by next week, again, in theory. Also, the list of pokemon and gyms HAS been sent to Leon, and he has looked through them and agreed to work with me on this project for the time being. :) I will be posting said list eventually, but not until some edits are made to the names and designs for those missing designs are completed. ALSO! I'd like to say that I have also found a good friend of mine who is composing the music for the game. You can find an example here: With that, I would also like to add that the backgrounds for MOST menu-screens is done and the fakemon I have sprited now are recieving some "final" touch-ups and they will be posted soon. Though, I would like some opinions on whether I should put my fakemon as the first 150, or should I just wait for B/W to reveal how many new 'mon will be featured and pick up where it leaves off? (This would mean the game wouldn't be released until after B/W). I think that is all... I'm still looking for someone to help with the "large" sprites as well as mugshots. I also need a trainer spriter and someone to help with Overworlds (If you can't tell, Human's aren't really my thing >>; ) And here is a sneak-peak of, well, I've leave what it is to the imagination ^^ Feel free to guess what it is... unless you are a part (or considered a part of) the team, in which case you already know :] CREDITS: Original Design - Mine Original Line Art - Gizmo Fixed/Edited Line Art - Me Coloring - Me With that, I bid you adeiu for now :) Comments always welcome, suggestions as well, constructive criticism is always welcome as well.
@Leon: Indeed, just let me compile a list and I'll be right at it. @den13: As with all things, that is going to take some time :] But thanks for the support ^^ @Random_Guy5507: Thanks ^^
@Leon: Oh, I can easily create the list for you if you like. I have the gyms planned out (all 8, actually) and the pokemon are also planned out, though edits are made here and there once I find a design I don't quite like. @Gizmo: 8D Indeed, like me when I used to roll down hills for fun 8D But you wouldn't know that... >>;
100 Sprites or 100 Designs? And 5/8 full maps or 5/8 tiles for each gym (both indoor and outdoor)?
@Siverix: Well, in theory it was going to be 151 but the dex template I built for myself (Which can easily be edited, of course) was only made for 150. Not to mention it's hard enough to come up with the basic 150 :P Though, I will likely have more if I come up with more designs. @Kiriashi: Fo sho :] Thanks for the support ^^ ALSO! Update -- Gizmo is now a proud member of the team and will be added to the first post soooon :]
@RATED-RKOFRANKLIN Heh, I see. Though I was considering making them related so that'd be strange >>; Regardless :] @Siverix You have no idea how much I got that >>; @Gizmo00999 VERY close on the starters, though you wouldn't be able to guess the Ice one without actually seeing the outline xD And even then it's a bit difficult :] But other than that, you were right. :] I have a friend making Sugis for me 8D So maybe you could trace those :) Otherwise I can provide sketches since he only recently started doing the sugis. That sprite is awesome, by the way ^^ Much better than anything I could do ^^ and yes, I am using Poccil's starter kit, and questing help would be GREAT! 8D I suck at eventing when I'm in a hurry >>; I really do.
Please excuse the lack of update for the past week, been busy. But I come to you today with some new graphics and a recruitment request at the bottom. The silhouettes of my starter trio. As you may have read they are a Steel->Ice->Ground->Steel Trio as opposed to the traditional Grass->Water->Fire->Grass trio. Feel free to guess their second types if you like. I also come with a sneak peek of the indoor tiles for my game! Well, for the first city anyway. Notice, this is only a few of the tiles meant for the indoors, several others are in a large tilesheet. Oh? What's this? A new hero? I was playing around with a different look for the hero, which does the general public prefer (male only)? Also, should I make a new female heroine? And as I said, I also come with a recruitment request. I'm looking for someone to make "large" sprites of my legendary pokemon. If you don't know what i mean, I am referring to the sprites that show up in the intro sequences for the most part. I need someone who can outline and color them because I truly fail when it comes to large sprites... except with heroes apparently. Any takers?
Indeed ^^ Thank you
Well, they're the same measure as some others I looked to for reference (door-wise) so I think they should be fine? If not, editing can/will happen :]
Thank you ^^ I'm still very new to the whole Tiling World (The buildings at the top-left were my first tiles... the fence was second, barn was third, platform fourth, pig 5th, and House 6th >> ) so they'll probably undergo a lot of changed as time goes by.
@gizmo00999 Thanks ^^ I'm not exactly the Best when it comes to GFX but I'm trying my best at it. Haha, I typically only stick to spriting. @den13: I intend to :)
Hi there, I'm Valora17. I'm currently a Senior in High school, a Cheerleader, and a Theatre Kid. There isn't much to say really, but this is my game: Pokemon - Ruins of Alvaron. As you might have inferred, this is a Pokemon Fan Game. I'm currently leading the project with some help from some friends on other forums, though we could always use the extra help. Originally this project started in February 2010 as Pokemon Abysmal Summer and Primordial Winter, but I scrapped the old idea and created this one anew. A lot of the info is posted below with few pieces left out for suspense purposes --actually, it's not much that's left out. Anyway, I'd love some feedback and help if anyone is interested. ***150 BRAND NEW pokemon*** ***New starter trio! (Steel > Ice > Ground > Steel)*** ***New region to explore*** ***4 Main Legend!s*** ***Explore Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh!!*** ***Befriend Pokemon instead of Capture!*** ***Unique Storyline!*** Alvaron Region Map This here is the Alvaron Region where your journey begins. It is a region forged originally by the four PokeGods of Seasons. It is formed from several small islands which maintain a wide variety of terrain and habitats in which pokemon thrive. On several islands are the Ruins which are home to the legendary PokeGods and their servants, the Storm Guardians. (And there you have it, seven legends so far. :]) Welcome to the region of Alvaron where pokemon and humans leave harmoniously with one another on a day-to-day basis. The people of Alvaron are best known for their exports to other regions as well as their broad array of skilled workers throughout the region. The people and pokemon of Alvaron are highly, as one might call it, religious; they praise the four legendary PokeGods who maintain the natural stability in their large island paradise. For as many generations as anyone can remember, a story has been passed down which foretells a forthcoming disaster that the deities would ensue when the world needed punishment, so the people of Alvaron have always taken it upon themselves to keep the deities happy by providing offerings at the start of each season to the Ruins of Alvaron. The general populace of Alvaron does not battle and would rather live with their pokemon as friends, however there is still a relatively large amount of men and women who befriend pokemon for battle as the law states must be done. The region itself does not possess a lab, nor are there individuals who freely give trainers pokemon; a trainer must befriend a pokemon who will then become his or her partner and from then on can freely roam as a trainer. The intro of the game is very Pokemon Mystery Dungeon like in the sense that you MUST watch it at least once because it's the intro to the game itself. After that you can save in-game and skip whenever you like. Regardless, the intro is a video which shows you whats going on in the region, explaining that the following day is the start of Summer and showing the PokeGod of Summer, Ete. The "player" then goes to sleep and you enter the creation process, which we won't go in to right now. As you enter the game it starts with you going to work an befriending your first pokemon. You then are introduced to your "Rival(s)." Your character has /always/ wanted to travel, though his parents would not let him/her without protection, and once you acquire your first pokemon they agree to let you travel the region, but you are not allowed to leave Alvaron by any means. Of course, as a child raised in Alvaron your character's main priority is not the endangerment of his friends through the Gym Circuit. His/her main goal is to create a home for his friends, a ranch --so to speak. You can increase the size of your ranch by moving through the region and finding shops that allow such, as well as items and what-not; however your ranch remains very plain with only the basic necessities for your pokemon if you do this. If you enter the gym circuit you are rewarded with additional add-ons such as ponds, forested areas, etc. However, you soon find that Ete has not awoken from his slumber and Printemps, the PokeGod of Spring, as well as Automne, PokeGod of Autumn, are both aware of this. Automne and Printemps --Opposites-- wage a war for control which highly disrupts the natural flow of things in Alvaron as sections of the region have undergone strange transformations. --For now, I shall leave it there :]-- Jason and Angie Playable Characters - Jason and Angie (obviously, you may change their names) These are the original designs for my characters --which are being altered still. They are the protagonist and are sixteen when the game starts. Yes, I know the boy is in a very feminine pose, I work best with female poses for some odd reason. Auntie Maple [iMAGE PENDING] Auntie Maple is your neighbor as well as your boss. She eventually acts as a daycare person for you. Mom and Pop [iMAGE PENDING] Pretty simple, your mother and father. Christine and Alexandre [iMAGE PENDING] Christine and Alexandre are your "rivals," in theory. They are actually your neighbors and good friends to you, or at least Christine is. Alexandre doesn't quite like you as much. Regardless, they too befriend pokemon, newly-hatched actually. Alexandre is, in theory, on his way to becoming the Champion of the Region, while Christine is a lot like you and simply wants to explore, though she is more interested in the history of Alvaron and thus wants to explore the ruins of the PokeGods. You encounter them quite a few times throughout the game, both together and individually. This is one of the early tile sets, created by me. This shows your neighbors house, a fence, my attempt at a Nature Tile ( >>; ) and a Barn Tile. This is updated often, and it is on DeviantART so updates will be added immediately upon upload. Valora17 - Fakemon, Storyline Writer, GFX, Items, Mapping, Tile Artist (Also leading the project) PokeWebsites - Elaborator (Helps to fill in gaps I may have missed in storyline) Killaz - Event Artist (Helps come up with events) One-That-Never-Was - Tile Artist (Creates Indoor and Building Tiles. Rarely Nature) Lalo0101 - Tile Artist (Creates Building Tiles) Currently in need of: Composers (To make Music) Trainer Artists (To Sprite Trainers) Mappers (Because I suck at mapping) Scripters (To help update some scripts and write new ones possibly) OverWorld Artists (To create Fakemon Overworlds)