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Shalaren Metropolis

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About Shalaren Metropolis

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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  • Prefered Engine
    RPG Maker XP
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    Shalaren Metropolis
  1. they are so not worth the 20$ =\ there isnt many characters and tiles. or animations, just many facesets and battlers. and I did buy it, someone got it leaked, Im happy I didnt, S:
  2. man Ive been trying to find these for like an hour already xD, they made pretty dam sure none is gonna get a hold of em for free X: I MUST HAVE THESE.
  3. awesome, Ill wait for some more recuits before we'll start a plan discussion. And thanks :)
  4. anything possible is what I need :) so if your good with composing that'll be awesome. I bet that when people look at recuitment Threads they think, oh they just need someone to do some of their work for them. besically I am not asking to hire people to do certain tasks, by joining the team its mainly for your ideas and your opinions, and if your skilled then at anything else you can help with (Mapping, Storytelling, Composing, Eventing, Scripting, Arts:Drawings or pixels, Designer and so on) what im looking for is to create a team! so I can say WE, as Shalaren Metropolis Team.
  5. Ok Hi guys! It’s been a while since I’ve worked on this project and now I decided to get back to it, usually ill only ask for help in here but this time I am actually looking to be recruiting People to the Project! Now by joining you will have a say on developing it and not just be ordered around to do work for the project! Shalaren Metropolis is still missing the brainstorming! I want to finally make this project official and serious! And I’ll be doing that by going through the right Developing stages WITH A TEAM AND ITS OPINIONS! Credits are all EVEN! Everyone is credited! So if you’d like to join - your welcome to, but you’ll have to show me something that you’ve done in the past in RMXP so ill know you at least have some experience of gaming, or skills like Writing, Scripting, Drawing, Eventing, Mapping, Brainstorming, etc. here is some additional Information about the game, you are being introduced to 3 characters, Kathel, Jamie, and Finely. each character has a talent that helps in a different concept, Kathel is the battle character, who is able to achieve new abilities and fight multiple enemies, Jamie is a Puzzle Freak who is able to unlock locked doors without a key and is able to solve puzzles faster then anyone, and Finely has a hidden power that should be sealed away as its against the metropolis laws, but her powers are to pure to be a harm, she heals and cures just by touching. so these three characters are the perfect team as you get to play with all three of them and control them all, you can send them to battle or call them to follow you, as you play Kathel as your main character, Jamie helps in battle while Finely heals, when there are doors to be opened, Jamie needs time for him to unlock it, so Kathel and Finely are in charge of making sure no enemy gets any close to Jamie while hes unlocking the door. Thats how their team works. quests with puzzels and bosses with very fun actions. That is Jamie Unlocking a door that requires 3 seconds of performance. besically its an example of what Jamie does. Right now Thats kinda what is going to be happening in the game, Still needs more happening. :P Current Background Story Current Character Ideas ok so information about the game.. you play with three characters in this game, and every character has a special role. The first is Kathel, who is besically for battle and is the character you will play with, second is Jamie who is in the middle, hes for battle too, but more for puzzles in the game, he can open locked doors and such. Finely, your last character is the party's Healer, she is there for support and will heal you when injured. They all have a story of their own and you will experience their background during the game. This is the hud, coded by nathmatt, but designed by me. This hud still needs alot of work because there is alot of bugs and things that need to be added, The battle system is blizz-abs still working on how the battle looks, but its finally starting to look good as all characters have their action sprites. sounds play very well, and finally battle is fun when testing it :) so there, with this little information I hope you'd find this game worthy to join the project?
  6. ok im back to these forums :>

    1. Enigma


      sup Shalaren

    2. Shalaren Metropolis
    3. Enigma


      i jus came back to, s' cool jus chillin


  7. its down way to often, makes your game really hard to reach in playing :<
  8. ok so I do not know if its the right place to ask for help, so Ill just go with it o-o Im writing a Background story for my game, and this story I have here isnt written well and is not long enough, I mean I dont have enough in it and I am just looking for any suggestions and help in improving it, In things if I left an open ending to things or something isnt explained well, Thanks in advance!
  9. my msn has been blocked by hotmail for some reason o-o, therefore you wont be able to contact me

    1. isaacsol


      that is odd owo, did it give you any reason at all?

    2. Shalaren Metropolis

      Shalaren Metropolis

      Nope, it just told me I was blocked S:

  10. Hey, Happy Rosh Hashanah :P

  11. its a blizz abs hud, its not a normal hud O:. I know it possible to add a hud that has nothing to do with the abs because if I take the custom blizz abd hud I have and add one of the XAS huds, it's just works, cause the XAS hud is not customed with the abs.
  12. what makes you think I didnt? , he's not my scripiter, he just did me this one favor. he's to busy to make the add-on.
  13. Hey :3 I need a scripit the shows hud of the party members but not the leader's, and so it'll be something like this I simply made it in photoshop, I already have a speciall hud for the party leader, but I need just a hud addon. so that if in the game I have more party members, it'll show their hp, name, and lvl. Iput it like that cause the player is not going to control the other party members, they are just helping, so there will be a hud of them showing their hp. Hope anyone can do it! X: if its nececary then Im using blizz abs, but if there is a way to make a hud that is not related to the battle system, then this is what im requesting o:
  14. blah, almost done! D: the first Demo...

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