I've tried to figure this one out but I'm stumped. I need to come up with a random number generator 1 through 101 that is tied to a specific character (when the action button is hit) which will trigger a choice event, based upon the number. Other words, when I walk up to a character I'll press enter, he'll say a number then will have R1,R2,R3 as choices. I figured out how to do a manual number system, but that's kind of pointless for the games purpose. Upon choosing one of the (R's) the character will teleport to the a specific section on the map (this part figured out also) and will have the correct number of characters shown (based on the random number)after the original character that gave the random number teleported (stuck on this part).
Sorry if my wording is confusing, if anyone needs clarification please feel free to ask.
Please keep in mind this is my first game with RMXP.
Is it possible to do all this with just events and variables or will scripting need to be done?
Any and all help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.