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About Adamk

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/01/1988

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  • Prefered Engine
    RPG Maker VX Ace
  • Engine Level
  • Class Title
    Level Designer
  • Other Skills
    Excellent with story
  • Project(s)
    War of the Souls
  1. It is his work. I have specially thanked him and given him appropriate credit. The tiles are of VX, I use VX just to do the out line of the land and then I do the test in Photoshop. I do not update this thread as much because This forum is dead and not as busy as RRR or Omega Dev or even Rmrk
  2. ...Life can be so cruel. My soul wages a war for your lips. May your soul never cry.... Download: Coming soon! Version: Coming Soon Blog!! - Keep up to date: War of the Souls, Soul Cry Support Me? [url=http://www.omega-dev.net/forums/showthread.php?tid=1229][img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/191/2/c/support_bar_by_createdthoughts-d3lnecf.png][/url] If some one wants the job of making a better support bar I am all for it. Until such a time, this is the latest support bar. Credits: Woratana, Omegas7, Vixotic - With Special Thanks to Kread-EX (See Special thanks), Agckuu Coceg, BulletXt, OriginalWij, Hevendor, Ramiro (Holy_wyvern, ramiazul), Yanfly, IceDragon, modern algebra, LeonGon, Yem, Shangai
  3. Interesting, the birds part caught my eyes because that has never caused an issue before I will look into this. Everything has been flushed through word so the grammar and spelling is reduced significantly from what it use to be. Lets go over a few things: Skills are going to be weaker (some) then the main attack. Aim should never be higher then the actual attack as that would out balance the weapons you get in the beginning. Aim is a starter skill so its understood that its weaker then most other skills. Please post a screen shot of this cut off text - This, along with the bird issue has not presented its self as an issue in the play test, then again as we all witnessed a lot was missed in the first .3 releases of Version 0.3.0 Beta Keep in mind that not every one speaks with proper or perfect grammar. While that is not an excuse to a lot of the grammatical issues you have found in the game, which I hope doesn't hinder others from playing it, It is understood that I wanted people to speak as people, not as perfect essays you would hand into a English teacher. The Bow and long bow issue will be looked into - Weapon balancing is still taking place The hat issue is a weird one as I have stated in the note box, that you can see from the latest Committed version that Hat has the tag helmet so I have no idea why you can equip it as a glove. So other things I am looking for that you didn't mention at all. and I find a lot of people dont. How was the story? How was the characters and there development? How is the Love story? was it a shock that specific characters died? How do you think that was handled? What do you think of "The First?" I am looking for this kind of feed back too along with How was the Mapping? How was the atmosphere? How was the weather? fogs out of place? Pass-ability issues? I thank you for taking the time to play the game and alot of fixes will go into Version 0.3.1 Beta which is scheduled for release in march. Version 0.3.0 was a "bug fixes and snippet of whats to come" release. I think I managed to fix a lot of bugs since Version 0.2.3 beta 3 Final. and I think 0.3.1 Will fix even more bugs along with add a new character, more skills for some classes and maps. You'll get to explore the city. Thank you all again for taking the time to give feed back and play the game. Also: How long did it take you? Did you look for any hidden items? How are the guild battles? How is the enemies leveling with the characters? to easy? to hard? How is leveling in general? if you didn't play all the way through the game which it looks like you didn't I ask that you do. I ask that you take your time, ignore the obvious non crashing bugs and play through the whole game. I would love to know what people are thinking of the story as it is.
  4. Look near the top its in green and it says "download game here" you can click on the "here" for the ability to download Thank you for pointing this out the issue has been fixed and a new version has been uploaded. I thank you all for helping me out during this play test and I apologize for any inconvenience this has costed you. I strive to make a bug free game and how something like this escaped by I have no idea. None the less it has been fixed and a new version uploaded. Thank you for play testing and I look forward to your feed back
  5. I am playing it as we speak and there is no emit. I followed my download link to make sure it was the same game and emit is NOT in this game. The opening sequence plays out properly - there was no issues. This game was play tested by 6 people before being released, they did mention the fog issue but i totally forgot to release the fixed version hence why the old version was taken down so quickly. Battle Field spelling will be fixed for version 0.3.1 Beta 1 (0.3.0-.2 Beta)- thank you for point that out Bug: Trimithes soldiers that follow him need to be adjusted in the PNG file. People have pointed out they can't save. I have tested this and can save. First Battle plays out properly Fog in the pub - Ugh I knew there was one more. Sorry Bout that. version Beta will be released to fix this. I just found this issue: Sun beams in the first town. Does this really present a problem to you guys? The old man DOES NOT make the game crash when talking to him Over all I have found some bugs that were missed and for this I apologize. But to Arkbennett There is no Emit. The old man does NOT crash the game in the first town. I am as we speak - and its up - releasing the new Version Beta release that should fix the fog issues and the battle field spelling issue. Thank you for trying the game and testing it out. Version 0.3.1 Beta 1 Will be inspected heavily to prevent these issues in the future.
  6. I am looking in to this, apparently lots of people are having these issues, I have played through the game and I have not encountered such issues. Again looking into this thank you Link has been fixed. I hope this fixes the glitching issue. Also I think i had the wrong one up as there is no character named emit in this game >_<
  7. Link fixed, game can now be downloaded
  8. Unfortunately Due to out side testing - and me being an idiot - the game link is being taken down till a later time as I have found some serious errors >_< Should be up in the next 12-50 hours. These errors include improper use of Fogs and caterpillar scripts
  9. Bump! New version added to the OP. new fixes, have ben made to make guild battles better
  10. Really? I was hoping for some feed back from the community. Hence why I put the game here >_>. But ok <_<. Can I get some feed back from some one? On that note I have a request for the community. You can download the open version where you have access to every thing here. The problem I am having is that if you have just you in the party and loose a battle that doesn't do a game over but has stuff after wards (as you would see by pressing f12 and talking to the top right guy) The game is fine after. If you get more part members from the far right chest on the bottom of the screen and then loose to that same battle the game will freeze after the battle. I am looking for expert scripters to go in and make what ever changes to the scripts that will A) allow me to have party changing and B) allow the game to update after a battle assuming there is no game over and every one is dead. What am I downloading? You are downloading Version 0.3.0 Beta - Build 650 Alpha. This game contains all the fixes going into Version 0.3.0 Beta, How ever the new version that will be publicly released is version 0.3.0 Beta Build 700. This version, when you start a new game, starts you on the GM map.
  11. maybe. I sware to you both this and the open source version (open as in everything open) is clean.
  12. really? I scann my games before I upload them with Avast and get no hits on viruses. I have never had some one say that there anti virus was stating my game is a virus.
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