Hello over there, I'm Surando and here is my introduction.
Hey People at the RMXpunlimited.net community. I'm Youssef and I'm from cairo in egypt. I can just speak English, German, Arabic and a little Japanese. My English is so bad, that I would not wondering when nobodys understanding what I'm saying. In the school I'm learning the vocubalary and that's why my English is so bad, that's the forst year of my life with English in my school. But I'm learning with my self on the computer because I wanted to learn English sooo quickly. That's why my English is bad. My German is the best language that I can, I'm very good in German. My teachers, my friends and my family says that my German is soo good, and I know that with myself. My Arabic is bad, and that's altough I'm a araber. The most of time in my life, the time who I should learn my first language, my brother learns me German because we needet to go to germany and I should learn the language there. I learned and I was good in this language, but so my Arabic was bad, I can't speak a word right on arabic. And now I can't Arabic. And this little Japanese, I have learned it with myself on the computer. Sooooooooo hard to learn this language. You, I'm eleven years old and I'm in year 5. In my school, we learning English forst in the year 5, that's so bad. Anyway, I wish that you can understand me with my bad English. This text is from me allone, nobodys helping me because I have to learn it allone. That's everything I have to say.
~ Surando
I hope that I will have a good time here. If you have a question to me, don't be scary to ask me that question. I will answer you the question if I can and if this question isn't too private for me.