Im creating a mmorpg out of rmxp and im looking for a team to help me out with this game. Mappers Scripters story's, please tell me if you want to help or you can email me at thanks to everyone.
Zyna is a planet right next to
World Xyex, In the far north of the Galaxy Ision.
And World Xyex in the South, Both
Planets have life on them But Planet
This planet is big but there are lots of wars
going on right now, but i guess thats just
the way it goes, right my friend?
haha!! I thank i drink too much Boor, so
what where you asking again.......
Right sorry :-) Zyna is one of the finest
planets because of its stones,Xyex or what
ever you call it is a wreck,I think they want
the stones, so we are at war with them.
But we have other wars with ourselves
you know its never quiet here, theres
always something going on, But let me
tell you about this man that came and
visited me, he said that he had one of the
stones, I could not believe him at first but
he showed it to me and I can't believe my
eyes its one of the stones. I dont know
where he got it! Who is this guy ??!!