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ShinGamix last won the day on July 22 2012

ShinGamix had the most liked content!

About ShinGamix

  • Rank
    RPG MAKER VX ACE Expert and Maker of Battle Dungeons!!
  • Birthday 07/09/1925

Contact Methods

  • Website URL

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Alien Mothership
  • Interests
    Peeping through Marked's windows..

Engines I Use

  • RPG Maker VX Ace
  • RPG Maker XP


  • Prefered Engine
    RPG Maker VX Ace
  • Engine Level
  • Class Title
    Level Designer
  • Other Skills
    Designer, Mr Fix it Contractor, and Good in bed...
  • Project(s)
    Battle Dungeons!!

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14,437 profile views
  1. What the heck?? Where did everyone go??

  2. All I have to say on this is the Story of Chrono Resurrection! https://youtu.be/stOhLvdJxV4
  3. Experience system would be nice for a community game?
  4. What's up guys? Just dropping in. Glad to see the site didn't shut down as the talk was last I was around. GameDev refinery looks promising, but i miss the awesome background that used to be in the background.
  5. Massive update First PZE has new site http://projectzeldaengine.freeforums.net/ SilentResident and most of the old team members have been hunted down or resurfaced! PZE Teams are now working on three versions of the PZE engine including an Ace and MV version which are in the early stages. PZE Community is having a thanksgiving day Chicken contest!!! I kept it short but got to get back to work on the engines. btw we still need coders!! @Cicada PZE is for NONE COMMERCIAL use only. If anyone is interested in making a unity or other version pm me would love to talk about it.
  6. 1. Nobou Uematsu 2. Strike911.net 3. Modigs 4. Dj Cutman 5. Scythuz 6.GameChops 7. IceDragon 8.Audio Sprite 9.Gyro 10.Anamaguchi 11.Blake Robinson 12. Ms Littlefish .
  7. I really despise two things. Put your scripts in spoilers!!!!! I hate having to scroll though all the code in the post!!! and Quit Qouting in your reply for NO DAMN reason!!!! This would make reading forums so much better.

    1. zahraa


      calm down man D:

    2. Marked


      If I had your problems, I'd have no problems. Why not suggest in those posts that people use spoilers?

    3. Kitsuki


      ... Quoting what the other person said to address them directly is aa reason, right? DD:

  8. Thought I already made one you liked???
  9. Good News!! Heard from SilentResident, Baffou and they are still working on PZE XP but it has a problem. There is NO Scripter for the Next XP update. We are in dire need of a XP coder!!!!
  10. BIG NEWS!! PZE Is Still Alive!! Wanted to Update Everyone. I am taking over PZE. Still Haven't heard from them, so I am continuing without them sadly. So now we have an Xp and and Ace Team. No plans for a VX Team as of now. The New Project Zelda Engine site is up and running. I built it on a freeforum so that it will never go away. It's nothing too fancy, just a place for PZE people to meet up and discuss all things Zelda! If you would like to check it out http://projectzeldaengine.freeforums.net/ Recruitment!! If you ever wanted to be on the team (XP or Ace) now is the time!!! Already have several members for both teams and the new site is nearly ready to launch to the public (it is already open to the Dev Team). Since this is an old school Xp site hoping to get some more Xp ppl and Ace too. Link to the Future! PZEX and PZEA are in development phases again but no scheduled releases as of yet guys. I need feedback and suggestions for possible new features also. So come on over to the site http://projectzeldaengine.freeforums.net/ and help us out!!
  11. I am keeping Project Zelda Engine Alive and rebuilding the team and a new site. If you ever wanted to be on the team (XP or Ace) now is the time!!! Already have several members for both teams and the new site is nearly ready to launch to the public (it is already open to the Dev Team). Since this is an old school Xp site hoping to get some more Xp ppl and Ace too.

  12. I am still here working on PZE and PZEA just to let any former team members and fans.
  13. Still think that RPG Maker 2 for PS2 would kick ass on pc!
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