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About Kazten

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/28/1993


  • Referer
    googled a topic and found you guys =]

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    The Valley of Death
  • Interests
    My friends always call me an x nerd, cuz right now i do a lot of hanging out with friends, playing my bass, and other "stuff". But in my spare time i write, play games, and mess around with rpg maker xp, it wasn't until recently i joined a community.

Contact Methods

  • Facebook


  • Prefered Engine
    RPG Maker XP
  • Engine Level
    Getting There
  • Class Title
    Level Designer
  • Other Skills
    I also write stories in my spare time.
  • Project(s)
    Don't have one at this moment
  1. Happy Thanksgiving everyone =]

  2. Going to LA tommorow so i won't be on (even though all you guys are thinking who i am)

    1. FranklinX
    2. Kazten


      You do? I have been a lot of places... from where?

    3. Kazten


      Never mind that wasn't very flattering XD I remember now...

  3. Thanks everyone =] I think i will really enjoy being here, its sounds like an awesome community
  4. It depends on the time, a while ago i really got in to one project when i didn't have internet or tv. Back then it was about 35+ hours a week, but now its about 30 minutes a day? I'm mostly getting my self set up before i go charging in again, because that project i was working on a long time a ago, i got stuck and now i forgot were i was.
  5. Thanks =] It looks like I am going to have a great time here. Well that story is long and complicated, and its ever changing. I remember when I first thought of it I was like around in 5th grade maybe? Well, anyways in in 11th now and that story is odd. Well the first chapter in the story (I think there are like 3? Can't remember... The first is long and maybe needs to be split up) is due to a lot of name changes since i thought of a lot of those names when i was younger and now i'm like wow that's kinda lame. Okay the main character is and elf name Fox? (?= needs some changing) and he is part of a organization called sprites?. Their duty is to protect the entrance to the demon realm from well you know having the demons destroy the world. Anyway the demons break out, most sprites are killed, Fox escapes, gets trained, runs away because the demons found his hiding spot (training with this hermet for many years), and ends up going through this epic story to kill the demon siblings Kashu, Kayl, and Kari. The demon king is still tied from the spell forged by sprites many years ago. Kari is a girl (duh) and she wants just to forget about it and rule the demons herself. Kayl is the youngest and weakest and is kinda a pushover so he follows the strongest in charge. Kashu is jealous of Kari's power over other demons and wishes to overthrow her and also dosn't carry any intentions to release their father. There is a lot more two it put it would take up my whole night talking about it. Haha =]
  6. I'm new and right now this community is looking dead o-o

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Decadenttia


      We could be an undead community!

      braaaaaaiiiiinnnnsssss :)_____

    3. Polraudio


      Were much alive. Certain times of the day is dead. If theres a new post everyone is all over it.

    4. Kazten


      Wow haha, i must have really bad timing =[

  7. Hello everyone at RMXP Unlimited! I hope that this isn't a forum that will completely ignore my existence again, because most i join aren't a people friendly community... Well anyways just saying I'm mostly a mapper but I write on my spare time and one day i hope to create one of my favorite stories into the game =]
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