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Bob423 last won the day on March 7 2020

Bob423 had the most liked content!

About Bob423

  • Rank
    Local Prinny
  • Birthday 12/10/1994


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Contact Methods

  • Steam Profile

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Washington (the state)
  • Interests
    About 7, maybe 8 depending on the weather.

Engines I Use

  • RPG Maker VX Ace
  • RPG Maker XP
  • Unity
  • RPG Maker MV


  • Prefered Engine
  • Engine Level
    Getting There
  • Class Title
    Programmer / Scripter
  • Other Skills
    C#, Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

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125,350 profile views
  1. Gonna try to come back. Been dealing with some stuff.

    1. Marked


      Hope you're all good Bob

    2. Bob423


      Gettin there. Lost the drive for game dev for a long while. It's coming back slowly.

  2. Bob423


    I'm assuming you're using something later than RMXP? If that's the case, the way the sprites are divided is set by the name of the sprite file itself. Look at how the other sprites are named and it should tell you what you should need. For this, Put a $ in front of the name so it looks something like "$Ganon.png"
  3. *crawls out of my hole to read this post and takes a second to stare at your new name* Honestly, as long as RPG Maker (even though we try to do more than that now) is alive on Steam in any capacity, I think this site will have a place in the indie community as a resource, even if it's not a super big one.
  4. wen night mode

    1. Polraudio


      What are you talking about? This is night mode. Your vision goes black after looking at it for a while :P

  5. And I want the Discord to stay ours. They can make suggestions and help it grow, but I'm not afraid to cut ties if the new owners turn out to be douches. I'll give them a chance though :)
  6. I just don't want them ordering Luke, me, or the mods around, or making changes to Discord. That's my main concern, really.
  7. Well I'm interested. Let Pol and me know how it goes :)
  8. Gonna need some information, if you don't mind. - What anti-virus or adblock programs are you using? - What browser do you use? - Are you absolutely sure it's Java and not JavaScript? For a possible, temporary fix: Disable adblock on this site only. There are no ads anyway, so you shouldn't see any problems.
  9. Welcome back :) I vaguely remember you...or at least your username and avatar lol
  10. While I'm glad people still want to post here, I sometimes worry you're talking to yourself in here lol. You're more likely to get replies if you post on our Discord server. You can find an invite link at the top of every page.
  11. Yeah, I know. I set it up so that each option is its own check box. Not sure how to make them all the same option though.
  12. Noob picked the weekend Marked is away to post bug reports, so I can't ask him for help finding the refinery settings page :\

  13. Nevermind, problem solved. For some reason, radio buttons weren't working correctly. I'm changing them to check boxes now.
  14. That's really weird... Unfortunately, I wouldn't even know how to even begin figuring that out lol. Luckily, Marked is working on update to the forum software that will make it easier to fix bugs and may just fix the bug anyway. Sorry :( Edit: I'll take a look though to see if there's anything weird
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