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Everything posted by sickb0y247

  1. Hey that's pretty cool! I didn't realize someone wrote in scripts to allow that kind of gameplay. That's a similar gameplay style to what I want. I'm more knowledgeable with TorqueScript than I am with RPG Maker but that's really awesome that somebody did that!
  2. I'm working with Torque Game Builder. I've had some experience with Torque 3D in the past but TGB is more customized for the game I want to make. It's a decent engine but it definitely has its share of hiccups. I mainly wanted to use it because I was already familiar with the 3D version. I'm trying to make a game similar to Secret of Mana that's a little more action oriented but still maintains a lot of the RPG elements.
  3. Hello everybody! I'm actually using a different engine than RPG Maker but the resources on this site are REALLY good! The community seems really friendly as well. Although I'm using something different I've had some experience with RPG Maker in the past and I loved it! Anyway, just thought I'd say hello! Oh and BTW, that was a pretty awesome April Fool's joke Marked!
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