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About Mercury

  • Rank
  • Birthday May 21

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New York
  • Interests
    You're looking at it.


  • Prefered Engine
    RPG Maker XP
  • Engine Level
  • Class Title
  • Other Skills
    Eventing and Mapping, mainly
  • Project(s)

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  1. Mercury


    Banned because real, independent men have their moms do their laundry for them.
  2. Mercury


    Banned for disregarding Kellessdee's most heart-felt comment.
  3. My reaction: lololololololololol It's a nice script-- looks sexeh, so congratulations. I'd probably use it if it wasn't too similar to the PS3's style, as right now I don't think it is very fitting for a more-so 'fantastical' type of project. But I know your intention was to make it like that in the first place. :sweatdrop: Well anyway; yeah, attractive script.
  4. Mercury


    Banned because progress is speeding up.
  5. Mercury

    Happy Easter

    Well, yeah, happy belated Easter. Regardless of my age, my mother seemed to be keen on me coloring eggs with her. And by keen I mean she locked me in the bathroom 'til I agreed to do it with her and my family. :sweatdrop: 'Tis a lot of chocolate to eat. Buckets? I didn't even finish my second chocolate bunny, which is the hollow type this time 'round.
  6. Mercury


    Well, if that's the case, then the fort can easily be assaulted from the west or east (Assuming it's facing south), and can plunge their armies right on through without anything to stop them. So maybe you should put a fence on those sides too.?
  7. Mercury


    ^ This. However, I also think that you should add a gate by the fence. If they want to enter, do they have to hop it? :sweatdrop:
  8. Pro tip: Don't try creating a project on your own. ):

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mercury


      Yeah, but one person is limited to so much. Even if they're multi-talented, they can't do everything. The game'll be lacking in at least ONE department.

    3. Marked


      I think only if all your resources are custom, then the above is true. But we're not all trying to make commercial games..

    4. Mercury


      Neither am I.


      Maybe I'm just being a bit of a perfectionist. ;)

  9. Who ever told you that I didn't live in an extreme frost-covered wonderland? Madanchi isn't a word. A pun is a play on words, so I don't think it's possible. Though, just to be safe, I googled it and found out that you're actually an Iranian football player.
  10. I use dreamweaver too, and I personally prefer it to notepad. I always thought HTML was pretty easy by itself, but when I went on to PHP I saw a pretty drastic difference. So I ended up never learning it. Though, it's really just because I forgot about it. Ah, but on-topic, the author definitely seems to know what he's talking about, so it should be factual enough. If it wasn't for the fact that it's time for me to sleep, I'd have given an actual opinion. :sweatdrop: If I remember, I will tomorrow.
  11. When I first learned HTML, I went here; http://www.w3schools.com/htmL/ . But times are changing. ): I'll check these out sometime.
  12. That Mercury is so fast at making RMXP games, he looks like Mercury if you push it off a tabletop. ! [/nerd] :sweatdrop:
  13. Just for the helll of it.

    1. laansolo


      >_> the hell is this up for.. Oh, wait a minute... I getcha... *wink*

    2. Mercury


      Or do you...?

  14. Either Pedobear, or Alpha Cat. They're just that pro. :sweatdrop:
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