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Oh yes, of course. I knew what you meant haha. Maybe once I get this more planned out we could work together. I just want to give it my all star try before I asked for help on the programming. But, I'm always open for once I can get it a little close to what I want to get any help and possibly someone who's more knowledgeable in this lol. This is going to take a while and it might be an on/off thing as I work on the rest of the game. Working on nothing but script gets a little monotonous. And, as we speak. I'm already having some trouble with the limit break system. But it's mainly just a graphical issue that hopefully I can fix. The more I think about it I might just scrap the level break and leave the AP system so you can learn skills. Not sure. I'm still planning it all out and how it would work.
Thank you. I had intended to post this in discussion, but I had looked at some of the other topics in the support forum and thought maybe it would be better there. I'm really bad at deciding what should be put where. But thanks for moving it. And yeah, I understand. I don't like asking for requests in general unless it's out of my hands. This might be one of those things, but I'd like to see what I'm capable of. I can't learn anything if I don't try, right? I shall check out your link as soon as I can as well.
Ah, of course. If you can't tell I don't really post to forums much. I suppose these would be general rules that would one pick up as they go. My experience with forums is only a philosophy forum so the rulesets are, as I am witnessing, a bit different. And of course your everyday image boards. But yes, I've enjoyed our chat. Thanks for all the help. I'll keep everything in mind.
Aha! Bare witness to my fruits! I'm proud of myself :) I do have a question for you and this is a little off topic, but I'd really hate to start a new topic all together for it and clutter up the forums. But, that blank bar is the limit break bar I'm using and I was wondering if I could put text above it like with 'SP' and 'HP'. For instance, I would want it to say 'Limit' above it. not exactly sure how to go about that. Would I need to enter the draw text function in the system so it would be recognizable?
um, does visual basic count? I took a class for that in high school and hated it. But the teacher was an accounting teacher and obviously didn't know what she was doing. But, on that note, programming is easy in my opinion. It's basically knowing what means what and setting up your own values. Which I've actually already done in ruby so far in some cases, simple stuff though like creating different font classes. Still trying to figure out if I can use a font that isn't on a base pc and include it in the game's resources for when people downloaded it and writing a get type command to let the system know where the font is, which I think I'm close to cracking that case actually, I just need to understand the structure of the command. Basically to me it's just remember certain classes and knowing enough to create your own to some degree. Easy peasy in my opinion. But when I don't know what I'm looking for exactly that's when I have to ask. I'm one of those types of guys who has to know what something does and why it does it. I guess that can make me a bother at some points, but I'm picking it up fast. Hopefully I'll be able to expand on this battle system a bit in a new topic I just posted after brainstorming here. I have a lot of work ahead of me but fortunately I'm a workaholic by nature. And I'm at my most happy state when I'm creating, so win win! EDIT In fact, I think I have a work around the sprite problem. I like their size currently and I certainly don't want to clutter up the screen. So if I'm thinking correctly I can just export the battle scene images, open them up in paint, cut off the top section, move the image up, then fill the bottom in with black as that's where the menu will be anyways. All I need is the window height I believe which the script should tell me. If not, then just a more tedious checking process. I move fast in thought, so hopefully I'm not spamming here.
Hey guys, so I've been contemplating a character level system. This will take a lot of work, I know, but I want some feedback on the idea before I go in and put all the work in. So, it features two systems that will be based on the Chorno Trigger skill system (unless I can find something better to work for the idea) and the Limit Break system from FF7. I guess this sounds a little absurd, why mix these two together? Or at least maybe that just sounds absurd to me, not sure lol. Well, I want them to do two separate things. For the CT Skill system, I like the idea of getting AP at the end of battles to go into a pool for skills. This pool will accumulate like in Chrono Trigger and allows you to learn skills. However, I want to add a bit of complexity to it. What I'm thinking is a skill tree idea. So, say you've got tons of AP and now you have a ton of skills you can get. Every skill falls into a category, "Light, Dark, Ice, Fire, Earth, Water" or something along those lines. And on top of that there's combinations, so there could be "Light/Fire, Ice/Earth" etc. Basically you spend your AP on a category class skill. This locks you into that category making the immediate opposite unavailable (for instance you learn a move entitled Frost Slash, this makes it ineligible to learn Fire Slash and any other Fire category skills.) The idea behind this was as a player to be a little bit more tactical about your battles and hopefully works well since I want to put in a party switch system within the battles. Maybe this is not feasible, but I want to try it out. So if any one has an idea for a script I could use as a template other than this Chrono Trigger script I have found over on chaos-project.com please let me know. Hopefully if this is all good enough I'll share it, but that's a ways off possibly as I have a lot of scripting I'll have to do from scratch. As for the Limit Break, this idea came about as I was thinking of categories to fill in for the above mentioned system. I realized I didn't have base classes, such as physical attacks, maybe defense, basic spell attacks, and your run of the mill heals and I wanted to do something for it. So I figured a Limit Break system could be an expanded "super" effect to your base skills. These will be stronger possibly then the aforementioned skills above since you have to build up your Limit Break, which I plan on making a pretty big deal. Also, you'll learn new powerful limit break skills as you level your characters. Like an all party full heal. Not sure, but hey, just throwing ideas around. Lastly, the game I'm working on is spaghetti western (I love me some Ennio Morricone films) influenced with a little bit of fantasy and sci-fi mixed in. So, for the Limit Break system I'm thinking of dubbing it the "Renegade System" for game purposes. Just for the feel. But if anyone has better ideas of what I should use as a title, feel free to share. Thanks. And remember, I'm asking you guys as players. Does all of this sound a bit too much? Or does it sound awesome? Criticism welcome. Hopefully I didn't type too much, but I wanted to make sure I gave about as much detail as I could as this is still mainly just an idea in my head. I think the strongest self-criticism I could put on myself right now is exactly how the hell I'm going to balance this all if I plan on doing it.
yeah, that's what I meant by size. guess that was hard to understand. but this information is helpful after all, after implementing a 3 man cbs system it seems that the characters aren't were I would like them to be in relative to the battle graphic. so I shall work on that as well. this battle system stuff is complicated, but I'm enjoying it. also, I've gotten to lazy to properly capitalize now. And spell, apparently.
Hey guys, so I'm putting together a nice little battle system for the game I'm working on. It's featuring Nortos's 3 Man CBS script, which hopefully I can expand upon as I learn more about the ruby language. But here's my question, in the scripts it mentions Limit Break functionality and I figured that would be a really awesome idea. So I did some googling and found DVV's Limit Break script but it seems to be outdated or at least not compatible with the 3 Man CBS. So I was wondering what anyone would recommend for this if they're familiar with Nortos's script? If not, please send me what you think could help anyway and I might be able to customize it and make it work the way I want it to. Thanks :) EDIT After messing around with DVV's system, it does work. The limit break bars weren't showing up but I have fixed that now. So disregard this I suppose. I would delete the thread but I don't know how haha.
Oh man, I didn't even see your post. I feel like such a jerk. This is exactly what I was asking. For some reason I figured it was a script issue and not a database one. So let's mark this as solved, shall we? Realizing how simple this was I feel like an idiot now. I'm terrible at this, really. Thanks though. I appreciate it.
Awesome, and I'll guess I shall ask now since I can't sleep and just sitting here smoking a cigarette and listening to some salsa music. So, my question is what exactly do I need to change? By changing the return number is changing the position, do you mean which number the actor is in the party? Or do you mean the actual location on the map. And I'm not sure now that I'm reading your reply if you completely understand what I'm asking. But I think I get the point. See, I think the actors are fine as is currently, what I want to change is the enemies. Does the code in the Game_Actor script also handle this or would it be in the Game_Enemy script in this code here - #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Get Battle Screen X-Coordinate #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def screen_x return $data_troops[@troop_id].members[@member_index].x end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Get Battle Screen Y-Coordinate #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def screen_y return $data_troops[@troop_id].members[@member_index].y end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Get Battle Screen Z-Coordinate #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def screen_z return screen_y end And speaking of which, I assume the Z-Coordinate would change the size, correct?
Haha, thanks. I appreciate it. Hopefully you'll be seeing more of me around. Out of the RMXP related forums this is indeed possibly my favorite one. And Bukowski is the man. I read a lot of his poetry. May I suggest to you Allen Ginsberg? And to you, my comrade. I guess I kind of have to have good diction. I have a bachelor's in philosophy and working on a bachelor's in business. Then I'm going back to get a master's in philosophy and hopefully a doctorate. No particular reason why and I don't plan to do anything with it I just think it's fun. I guess I'm a bit of a nerd, ain't I? :)
Oh, excuse me. I honestly didn't know there was an mp3 function. Like I said, new to the forum here. In all honesty I didn't mean for the entire post to come off as advertising for any means. Well, that's a lie. The bit about the netlabel is advertisement, but that's solely for traffic purposes. So yes, I am a whore :D. But I'm happy to remove it from the OP if you want me to. The rest of it I didn't mean to make sound like an advertisement. And nice Bukowski quote. I have a lot of his works. Big fan and a bit of an inspiration for me. Being that I now know of this mp3player code I shall use it from now on. And yeah, I guess I should have used the introduction forum. But being that this was music related I wasn't sure. Feel free to move it, though. I'm happy to comply. I'm a guest here first and foremost always. :D
Ah, thanks so much for the help. I'll get to work on this as soon as I can. Right now I need some sleep. Been staying up too late. Again, thanks. I'll let you know if I have any more questions.
Why, hello there. So I'm new to this forum and I already posted a topic about some script help and I realized "what a jerk move to do, I should give something in return" so here I am. I wasn't sure if I should put this in resources or here as this is gears towards anyone who would like me to do some composition work, but resources seemed to be more of an image-based thing so I figured this would be best. Anyway, I'm somewhat of a musician. My focal point is instrumental hip hop and trip hop. This means I do a lot of sampling and do some synth work and composition to make the best stuff I can make. I also do remixes. Right now I'm interested in doing music for games, so I actually have a question for you guys before I showcase some of my work. To those who compose for games, what programs do you recommend? I want it to sound game-like of course, so I was thinking of using a midi program but wasn't sure where to begin. I've been using FL Studio for six years and I have a legal copy as I like image-line's work. I've played live shows before, but that's recently settled down as I've been actually focused on a netlabel I put together a few months back as well as studying philosophy and business in college, as well as creative writing. I guess you could say I'm a jack of all trades, my weak points in the game industry being programming (which I'm hoping to change as I get a better grasp on the ruby language) and art work. I suck at art haha. So now, let me show you some of my work. My most recent completed stuff can be found on my bandcamp.I'm most fond of my Snoop Dogg remix I did for a contest. I earned seventh place for it though, but hey, that's pretty good for the probably 100 something people that entered. I didn't win anything though :( On the bandcamp you can also find my latest full length album "Two Clicks From Hades" which is instrumental and experimental hip hop. The mixing isn't very good though in my opinion, but I've received compliments on it. It's name your own price but if you want it for free just enter 0 for the amount. I won't be mad, I promise. The money helps though as always for me to continue my ventures. And lastly there's a remix of my friend's band which is a little more pop like. So I hope you dig it. Next I have some demos for my next ep "The Lie". Remember, these are demos and are not finalized by any means. There's some problems with them, and I'm working on mixing them better as well as expanding. You can find the demos on my soundcloud. And lastly, the netlabel I mentioned. It's entitled "The Oleum Fold" and is mainly donation based right now. We take submissions so if anyone's interested let me know. You can visit the site to get more info on that as I don't want to pass myself off as rp rep. I plan to do more with it once I finish up this business degree, but right now all my money just goes to supporting the site, bandwith, etc. Which is what the donations are for and buying any of my music. You can visit it here. Oh, and I do write but I don't have anything of value to show you as of now. I'm attempting to get published, though most of it is poetry and short stories. But with publishing I can't really just post whatever up on the internet as some publishers like the material exclusive. I also do essays from time to time, mainly boring philosophy and political stuff. :D That's about it. If anyone is interested in having me do work for them feel free to contact me. Just be warned that for composing game music I'm still new and haven't got my foot in the door for this genre yet, but hopefully you think I'm talented enough. And hell, you don't have to pay me at all unless it's a lot of work. Or we could do a trade off for artistic or programming abilities. And feel free to contact me whenever. I'm always happy to have a nice sit down and chit chat. Your best way to reach me is my email oleumfold@gmail.com. I'll consider it business and oleum fold work more than likely if it's music related. Sorry for the essay, but I hope you dig my work.
Hey, this might be a bit of a dumb question but hopefully someone will help me. So I'm using Minkoff's Animated Battle System and I really dig it, but I was wondering what I would need to do to move the sprites on the battle scene. What I mean by this is that currently the enemies are towards the bottom center of the battle screen and I would like to move them to the left like in screenshots I have seen as well as the demo by Minkoff. Now I'm sure this is possible, as I've seen it, but I was wondering exactly where the code is in the scripts so I can go in and mess around with it a bit myself. I have a pretty good understanding of the Ruby language by now (for a noob anyway) and I have configured Minkoff's script to work, but I didn't happen to see any mention of this in the configuration scripts or the nice guide that was put together for it. So I assume it's in one of the other scripts (Battle, Sprites, or Miscellaneous) but I was hoping someone could point out that line(s) of code so I just don't go in changing stuff around that I shouldn't be touching right now. After this I plan on putting in a 3 man system and maybe a party system and I think I'm done with the battle coding and I can get back to work on the rest of the game so any help appreciated. Till then I'll see if I can figure this out myself by looking at the demo scripts and comparing. I like figuring these things out on my own preferably, but figured I should ask about this one. Thanks :)