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Everything posted by neiljwd

  1. neiljwd

    GIF support?

    Is it possible to have GIIF's play on the map screen, along side pictures? I think I tried a script years and years ago, but it didn't work, anything out there now?
  2. http://www.filefactory.com/file/72598m5axgpt/RMXP%20Damage%20Calculator%20v1.0.xlsx Thats a spread sheet u input your numbers and it shows the damage, quicker than going into the game and fighting the battles. Also allows u to see what effects what and by how much, so it's informative.
  3. Hi if you're still looking, I sponged this knowledge off off someone a while ago, for SP. Did a little bit of diggin, & found the relevant bits and edited to HP for you, hope it's srill of use. In the default script Scene_Map Below line 15 (@message_window = Window_Message.new) add @Health_window = Window_Health.new Then above NEW line 25 (Input.update) add: @Health_window.update Then create a whole new script above Main. class Window_Health < Window_Base ####### def initialize super(55, 0, 229, 64) self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32) self.opacity = 5 @actor = $game_party.actors[0] refresh end # * Refresh #---------------------------------------------------- def refresh self.contents.clear @last_displayed_actor_hp = @actor.hp @last_displayed_actor_maxhp = @actor.maxhp draw_actor_hp(@actor, -52, 0) end # * Frame Update #------------------------------------------------ def update hp_changed = @last_displayed_actor_hp != @actor.hp maxhp_changed = @last_displayed_actor_maxhp != @actor.maxhp if hp_changed or maxhp_changed refresh end end end This should draw the HP numbers for you. I also like Stephs Drawn HP/star bars, works well.
  4. Is there a way to instantly move the "camera" to a place on the map, ( using a large map with custom resolution) without moving the player? I'm aware of map scroll, but it's rather slow. Cheers.
  5. Events can have tab pages, create new pages with top buttons, as shown in below image. REF 1. These Tabs are read from right to left, so game checks page 4, then 3, then 2, then 1st/original page, As you can see from REF 2, page two has the conditional IS SWITCH ONE ON? If this is true, then page 2 will load, if not, the game will look to the next page to the left. So what you need to do is as shown in REF 3, have a switch turn on at the end of the event where the devestation happens. Then have Page 2 load dependent on that switch.
  6. WAIT I think Im jsut REALLY REALLy Stupid. Don't think there was ever a problem just me being a mong. I thought $game_player.run_points =350 was setting the MAX... but it wasn't it was jsut boosting the current to 350, PAST the max, so allowing me to run longer thinking the max was changed. Me sorry for wasting your time. -------------------- Original message ------------------- Oh I tried that but I got a fixnum error, screenshot, so figured I was being even more stupid than normal. Any idead
  7. Thank you again! handy catching you, could you just spell it out for a noob where I should bob that little code snippet. Please. :) Or is that what I should be putting in my event Script call? My heads spinning with this at the moment sorry.
  8. Thank you for the contribution black mage. :) But I also want to be able to change my max run points through out the course of the game, as the player levels up. So won't be set at 350 all the time. I guess I'm gonna have to intergrate a variable that monitors the max Run Points and just go from there.... I guess? No idea on scripts, I jsut hink it's something that $game_player.run_points & $game_player.max_run_points Need to be seperately defined as intergers/values when called in the game, at the moment one seems to equal the other in game. ... Though the script seems know the difference between them as it differentiates in the restore section. :S
  9. WAIT I think Im jsut REALLY REALLy Stupid. Don't think there was ever a problem just me being a mong. I thought $game_player.run_points =350 was setting the MAX... but it wasn't it was jsut boosting the current to 350, PAST the max, so allowing me to run longer thinking the max was changed. Me sorry for wasting your time. -------------------- Original message ------------------- Using a Night Runner modified Dash script, originally StandWalkRun by Synthesize I think, I can press a key and Run Faster- I know how to use a script call to increase my Max Run Points permananently. $game_player.run_points = 350 This sets the max run points to 350, from 100 -Line 17 in Script below. However What I want to achieve is a script call to increase the players CURRENT run points, but not over the max. Say for instance They have 350 max run points, sprint through 300 leaving them at 50/350 Run Points, I''d like a script call that say adds +75 current Run Points, leaving them at 125/350. Can anyone help please? DEMO FILE ATTACHED https://www.mediafire.com/?hix3o1oz0xb1syw # Written by Synthesize # Version 2.70 # January 26, 2008 (v1) # Revised: March 1, 2008 (v2) # Revised: September 4, 2010 (v2.5) # Revised: 8 May, 2012 (2.6, NREdit) # Revised: 15 Nov, 2013 (2.7, NREdit) #=============================================================================== # Customization #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module StandWalkRun Use_run = true # Use Run Points? Use_run_sprite = true# Use a Running sprite? Run_speed = 5 # Player speed while running Walk_speed = 4 # Player speed while walking Run_sprite_suffix = '_dash' # Running Sprite Suffix Run_points = 100 # The maximum amount of Run Points Run_points_restore = 20 # 1 Run Point is restored in X Frames Restore_run_while_walking = true # Restore points while walking? Use_idle_sprite = false # Use Idle Sprite? Idle_sprite_suffix = '_idle' # idle Sprite Suffix Use_anime = true # Animate your Idle Sprite? Idle_time = 40 # Time before sprite is animated end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Scene_Map:: The main functions of the script are here #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Scene_Map # Aliases alias syn_map_update update #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initiate variables #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize if $game_player.old_character_name == nil $game_player.old_character_name = $game_player.character_name end @wait_time = 0 @wait_time2 = 0 end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Update:: Update the scene #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update syn_map_update if Input.dir4 == 0 wait(1, false) if StandWalkRun::Use_idle_sprite if $game_player.move_route_forcing == false call_idle($game_player.character_name + StandWalkRun::Idle_sprite_suffix, StandWalkRun::Use_anime) if @wait_time == StandWalkRun::Idle_time $game_temp.syn_state = "idle" end restore_run if StandWalkRun::Use_run else $game_temp.syn_state = "" restore_run if StandWalkRun::Restore_run_while_walking call_idle($game_player.old_character_name, false) if $game_player.character_name != $game_player.old_character_name @wait_time = 0 end if $game_temp.sprite_changed == true $game_player.old_character_name = $game_player.character_name $game_temp.sprite_changed = false end end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Call_Idle:: Sets and animates the idle Sprite #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def call_idle(sprite, anime) $game_player.set_step_anime(anime) $game_player.set_graphic(sprite) end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Restore_Run: Restore Run Points #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def restore_run if $game_player.run_points < $game_player.max_run_points wait(1, true) $game_player.run_points += 1 if @wait_time2 == StandWalkRun::Run_points_restore @wait_time2 = 0 if @wait_time2 == StandWalkRun::Run_points_restore end end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Wait:: Allows Wait Times #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def wait(duration, value) for i in 0...duration @wait_time += 1 if value == false @wait_time2 += 1 if value break if i >= duration / 2 end end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Game_Temp:: Create current state #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Game_Temp attr_accessor :syn_state attr_accessor :sprite_changed alias syn_temp_init initialize def initialize @syn_state = "" @sprite_changed = false syn_temp_init end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Game_Character:: Create the Change_Sprite method #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Game_Character # Attr(s) attr_accessor :old_character_name attr_accessor :run_points attr_accessor :max_run_points alias syn_ch_init initialize #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize Variables #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize @run_points = StandWalkRun::Run_points @max_run_points = @run_points syn_ch_init end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set Setp Animation #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_step_anime(value) @step_anime = value return @step_anime end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Game_Player:: This handles the dash process #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Game_Player < Game_Character alias syn_player_initialize initialize alias syn_player_update update alias syn_player_refresh refresh alias syn_player_move_type_custom move_type_custom def initialize(*args, &blk) ret_val = syn_player_initialize(*args, &blk) set_walk_speed(StandWalkRun::Walk_speed) set_run_speed(StandWalkRun::Run_speed) end def dash? return false if @run_points == 0 and StandWalkRun::Use_run return true if Input.press?(Input::A) end def refresh syn_player_refresh self.old_character_name = @character_name end def set_run_speed(val) @ty_RunWalk_run_speed = [[@ty_RunWalk_walk_speed + 1, val.to_i].max, 7].min end def set_walk_speed(val) @ty_RunWalk_walk_speed = [[val.to_i, 1].max, 6].min set_run_speed(val + 1) end #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Update:: Update the scene #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update if dash? if Input.dir4 == 0 $game_player.set_graphic($game_player.old_character_name) end unless $game_temp.syn_state == "idle" if StandWalkRun::Use_run_sprite set_graphic(@character_name + StandWalkRun::Run_sprite_suffix) end @move_speed = @ty_RunWalk_run_speed @run_points -= 1 syn_player_update end else @move_speed = @ty_RunWalk_walk_speed syn_player_update end end def set_graphic(character_name) @tile_id = 0 @character_name = character_name end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Move Type : Custom #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def move_type_custom old_ch_name = @character_name syn_player_move_type_custom if old_ch_name != @character_name # Change Graphic self.old_character_name = @character_name end end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * This script is not compatible with RPG Maker XP * #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Written by Synthesize # Version 2.7 # Requested by Cerulean Sky
  10. I could quite easily invisage there being a cavern in the side of mountain that you venture into, and when you come out of it, you're in this deeply depressing dark valley. Possibly magically altered or cursed, if that matches the mood of your plot.
  11. My game.ini is as follows: [Game] Library=RGSS104E.dll Scripts=Data\Scripts.rxdata Title=School Story RTP1=Standard RTP2= RTP3= Except it's not. Where there are \ in the above code(scripts line), my computer shows that Funny 'Y' symbol. I THINK it's something on my PC, unicode settings, which I did have as Japanese as a time, but I've set them all back to English :/ inc keyboard.
  12. That is handy to know, cheers for posting this supplimentary information. And groovy, thanks guys. It is reassuring to know I have perfectly fine working version, of a broken program :P Somehow feels better knowing the rest of the community is suffering alongside me :P (This topic is 'solved' but I'M not sure you'd mark a none query topic as solved... will leave that to the mods.)
  13. Yeah I still do batch entry thing, but some of my old work/old games have the 4 line text code. The 4 lines show in a game fine. But in the creator, I can copy from it, and if I post into a batch text box, shows 4 lines. However If I try to edit the original text box with the 4 lines in, it just PINGS at me and stops any new entries. I can delete, but unless i delete over a full line, cant add. I've never, 100% definitely never had a pirate version of RMXP. I had the trial version for 30 days. During and after for over a year (on Windows Vista) I definately had 4 lines in a normal box before. Weird if it was only me :S As for the scriptcall say if I copid this line from here, or notebook, int RMXP $game_variables[5] = $game_actors[2].str Then it would crash, fail to find strength array I have to seperate each variable onto a seperate line, ala: $game_variables[5] = $game_actors[2].str IS that normal just how it is? Someone mentioned it wasn't is all. And er, the \ thing might be because im running non-unicode programs in Japanese - just occured to me. Need to restart PC so posting this message now. Compatability mode didint effect it, thanks for the suggestion. Like I say these 3 things don't break RMXP, I just thought if they were symptom of somehting else, it might have been worth addressing :)
  14. So yeah I have 3 presenting Symptoms. 1:) Slashes, like the AMS script commands use, display as weird little 'Y' things in it (fine actually in game, just the creator) The symbol before 'name' in the screenshot below, thats meant to be a ' \ ', next to the Z key. 2:) And my script-call box is too small. I input a line in that should ( I've been lead to beleive) all fit on one line. But it seperates it into two and gives me errors. Only just discovered this was a problem..... 3:) For a year of use, I could enter 4 lines into a text box/message box. No Problem. One day that changed. Now I can enter only 3. So anyone any ideas on a cause/ And more importantly a fix? It's useable, but just weird, prefer it right if I can. I run Windows 7 64bit. On a 4 core AMD CPU, with ATI Graphics 7800 series. My RMXP is the legit 1.04 version, screenshot of my paypal purchase just to save time: http://awesomescreenshot.com/0fa1yg0vc8 Couple of illustratory screenshots of probs 1 and 2 below:
  15. Edit/Update: Holy crud that's it! Thank you the script is so small and so simple looking, makes me feel very stupid, :huh2: but I'm too happy to be sad about my own failings! Cheers ever so much Saltome. Does everything I want. Truly you've inspired joy and relief in a stranger thousands of miles away, so thank you. :thumbsup: My appreciation to FleshRender and phionabrie also, a little encouragement really helps when you're struggling. If anyone wanted to compare to a party member ID, not there actor ID, Change one of the letters to game_party.actors instead of $game_actors def compare1(c_id, d_id) c=$game_actors[c_id] d=$game_party.actors[d_id] if c.agi+c.dex>d.str+ d.dex return true else return false end end script call : compare1(1,3) This would compare actorID 1 against party member number 4. (0,1,2,3)
  16. RMXP 1.04 RUBY 1.8.1 are my versions. And yeah it's absolutely nothing to do with fighting at all :) It's just a walking around the game map talking to people, (who are in your party) and comparing your stats to theirs. The reason is that it's like a gateway mechanic. If you meet that persons criteria, they'll teach you Move X for example. or have a conversation, Join your party. Many things, but only if you've levelled up the right stats. Some people will want you to have high Str and Agi, others SP and Intellect and so on. Wouldn't result in a game over, just carry on and go off and train up some where.
  17. Thank you for the response, :) however I've obviously phrased my opening post poorly. :dizzy: I'm not looking for anything to do with battles. This is a challenge system to be used when just wondering round the normal game map and talking to people. To compare their stats, receive a number and then go from there. Have realised though thanks to you that yes, it'll be easier to just move the opposition character to game_party.actor slot at the start of a conversation, then make a common Event that compares $game_party.actor[0] Variables against $game_party.actor[1] variables. Is it possioble to do that? manually change an actors position within the party via an event?
  18. Apologies, this may be a long post, and a confusing one, I'm very much a newb in abilities and knowledge of terms. What I am wanting to achieve is comparison of multiple actors parameters/stats against anothers. IE Strength, Health, Intellect etc, all at the same time. For example: Actor1's: Agility + Brawn + Cunning VS Actor 2's Dexterity + Endurance + Fierceness = ? So I can have the Conditional Argument: IF A+B+C > D + E + F Then Option 1 Else Option 2. This would be on the normal game screen when just wondering about and talking to people. I can not for the life of me figure out a simple way to do this, beacuse I want to do this for 25 fights - they were going to be actors/party members for simplicitiy's sake. So far I've got a LOT of Variables: Actor1's Agility =v1. V1+ B = v2. v2+C = v3 Oppositions Dex = v4 v5+ E = v5 v6+F =v6 Then the challenge is if v3 is > v6 = Success, else Fail. With 25 competitors (with 6 stats each not 3), and the fight progression I wish to employ it means storing 150ish variables. Seems like an excessively convulted way to do it. Is it the only way? What I'm hoping is I can just call 2 scripts that reads something LIKE $actor[1].hp + $actor[1].agi + $actor[1].HP = Variable 5 $party_actor[2].hp + $party_actor[2].pdef + $party_actor[2].mdef = Variable 6 Then a conditional v5 vs v6. I could then just put whoever im challenging as party member 2, and have those 2 script calls every time. I've just no idea how to add multiple values to each other in a script call. Got NO idea. Anyhoo anyone got anything to add on the matter? I realise it's a long and strange question and I ask more in hope than in expectation. I'll check here regularly for any responses, please press me for any further information u need. Thank you. :)
  19. Appreciate some light on the subject, thank you Moonpearl. After some deeper digging I found it, Reference for anyone else Looking: SCRIPT IS: Multi-slot script : Windows LINE IS line 63: y_space = 480 - y_pos
  20. I want to change the size of the window(frame?) that you select items from when changing what you have equipped. The one circled in red here: circled in red. I want to expand it down on it's Y axis, so you can see more selectable items, but I can't find the relevant window scripts to edit. It seems locked at 640x480 I think, but I want to make use of my 1024x768 resolution. I know the window marked with green is "Window_EquipRight", and if I REDUCE the amount of things listed there (in Guilaume777 multi-slot script) then it expands the red circled box UPWARDS. But I want the amount I have, and I want the red circled window to expand down. I was thinking Window_EquipItem but as you can see below, I've massively toyed with the numbers and it doesn't work. Annoying changing the 0 (x axis) DOES move it Right, but something is stopping it expanding downwards :( I Found THIS code snippet in my Multislot script, is it something to be added in there maybe? Scripts linked 4 parts of GUillaume777's multislot script
  21. Played for me great, substituting others is fine. But is there a way to make this useable in a game? I have 0 scrpting skills so know nowt. But that video jsut plays before the 'game' even starts. Is there no way to call videos during the course of an adventure?
  22. http://www.rmxpunlim...4505#entry64505 I'm got that to change te resolution in game I call a script with say Game_Window.change_resolution(1024,768) However I can't seem to get the mode to change automatically, ie, from windowed to fullscreen. The game won't start for me in fullscreen mode, annoyingly, and I can't get a script to call it. Only works if I Press F10 and change it manually. I tried combinations of the following: $game_settings.set_mode(1) $game_settings.set_mode(0) Game_Window.change_resolution(800,600,1) Game_Window.change_resolution(800,600,fullscreen) and so on, but they gave me syntax errors. Any pointers please?
  23. neiljwd

    RMXP GUI change

    You on Vista? I heard there's some issues, google vista solution.
  24. Glad I was of some use at least :) I just don't think Gifs play in XP after all is all :P If you were desperate you could of course just call the pictures like 2-3 frames after each other, so it LOOKS like a moving image <_<
  25. I'm new so ignoring me might be your best bet. But what exactly are you trying to do? Because If you can display gifs, can you not just make a common event that calls on the face picture at the right co-ordinates? Then insert that before each dialogue? I do that to make my faces appear sat on top (not in) the text box. (roughly x450 y190 at 110% zoom on a 100x100pixel image) If you want it bigger make the zoom larger? Though I understand this will pixelate images the higher you go.
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