Oh, that's not my game. Was a game I found on youtube that had what I wanted.
Okay, so I've been trying my idea of just copying an event from another map. Or, just loading the events from a specified map, and adding that event to the Game_Map's events, in the setup function. Like so:
@followerMap = load_data("Data/Map009.rxdata")
@events = {}
for i in @map.events.keys
@events[i] = Game_Event.new(@map_id, @map.events[i])
#add Althea to the party
@events[i+1] = Game_Event.new(@map_id, @followerMap.events[1])
which does in fact add the event. But, it's not responding to any move commands. It just sits there. And I'm completely stuck on why. The copied event is a parallel process, just for now, using a "step towards player" command.
Any ideas?
Edit: Appears to be linked with it being a parallel process. If I set a move route in the event's autonomous movement settings, it works fine.