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About Dannyboi1989

  • Rank
  • Birthday 03/08/1989


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  • Prefered Engine
    RPG Maker XP
  • Engine Level
    Getting There
  • Class Title
  • Other Skills
  • Project(s)
    Final Fantasy X
  1. Hey everyone, so im using charlie fleeds ctb which uses the 11 pose minkoff battlers templates. What i want to know is how to make your animated battlers bigger than allowed in the original template. Is there a specific size template that i have to use or can i make a bigger template so my battlers appear bigger than usual in battle. I know its confusing as its hard to explain. I know its possible because the enemies appear bigger than the party members in battle. Ill upload a pic of a party member and a pic of an enemy so it explains a little. As you can see the template for the enemy is bigger than the player template thus the enemy is bigger in battle. Just wondering how i can make my players bigger in battle like the enemies, or if someone has a larger minkoff template they could link me to it would be much appreciated, thanks :)
  2. New sprite of Keepa, the final Besaid Auroch. Slightly fatter than the rest and a bit shorter.
  3. Thanks Wyzrd ! Made an edit to Jassu's hair (The blonde guy) because it sucked before...
  4. Thanks for all your comments guys, yeah im remaking ff10 but theres hardly any sprites floating around for it so ive got basically try and make them all myself. Ive done two more of the besaid players so now i have 3. Heres the other 2 tell me what you think =) and a blitzball haha !
  5. Hey guys, just finished making this spriteset from scratch and wanted to know what you guys thought ? Ive just started spriting so i might not be too good. Thanks
  6. Does anyone know if theres a way to make a smaller map than allowed on rmxp ? I wanna make little maps for inside shops and huts etc. Thanks
  7. Thanks guys, i actually meant to shade the headband but i must have forgot haha
  8. Hey guys just wanted to show off my first sprite edit, bear in mind this is the first time ive ever attempted a sprite so it might not be too good. Just wanted to know what you guys thought ? Constructive critisism please. Ive uploaded the original and after editing. I couldnt find a decent sprite of the original so i decided to just edit a basic one. Changed the skin tones and changed the colour of his clothes so he looked more like wakka from ff10, changed the hair very slightly too.
  9. Wow your script looks great, just the sort of thing i was after, one question... is there any way to change the florally like background ? Like have my own custom theme instead of the 2 you have ? and is there any way to remove the in battle bars because im using ctb by charlie fleed and im sure it will clash ? Thanks mate
  10. Dannyboi1989

    Sprite request

    Hey guys i really need an actor graphic of this character in rmxp style, without the ball in hand though. Thanks guys !
  11. Hey, im looking for a menu script that i can use for my final fantasy 10 game, preferably one where i can use pictures representing the players instead of actor graphics. Im using charlie fleed's ctb v3.0 so something that wouldnt clash with that. Thanks in advance.
  12. Thanks man this worked, didn't understand about setting self switches. Got it now. Thanks again !
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