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Everything posted by schM0ggi

  1. Hey Guys, So it seems i'm finally requesting some scripters help for an idea, that linger a felt century in my head. The Topic isn't smth. new, thats for sure, wouldn't surprise me if even some of you will roll your eyes while reading this... but well, let me just explain . I think you can get already the Idea from the Subject for what i'm here asking help. Light Circles respectively areas of Light on the map/screen while everything else dark, simulating Light Effects!? No Problem so far, right? An Light Area around the Player while everything else dark, simulating a lantern? No Problem too, ofcourse! But what if you want to combine this two things? An impossible task at first, people might think. But it's not a secret, there are solutions to make this actualy work, people already did this. I have to admit, i like to make Things work mainly with Events. Two Reasons for that: 1. I don't have the Motivation to learn rgss (i have some little programming skills in delphi and java, so its not like i'm a complete noob when it comes to that ^^) 2. Working with Events is a kind of challenge for me, creating complex things (that work smoothless and not hitting performance) is really fun. Anyway... so, i too combined the two things described above with the Light Effects successful... with Events, mostly! My Solution was, to combine Events with some Light Graphic with other Events also with the same Graphic but, with a specific Letter in their Name (e.g. #), set to viewport 2 (instead of 1, as it is standard). So one of the Events acutally acts like a Picture. Furthermore i combined this with a Picture, that simulates the original Tint Screen Color Function, the brightness to be accurant. Its a White Picture, set to Blend Type SUB and with a specific Opacity Value. In this way, like said, i can simulate the original Screen Tone Effect. Maybe you already know now how this actually look like when you change this White Picture to one with a transparent Hole in the Center. Yes, a Lantern effect (when put on the player), which can move around with the Player and at the same time there can be Light Effects at other positions like torches etc. It needed some time until i figured how to make this work... But there is one Problem, that can't be fixed. I has obviously to do with the tint effect combine with the events etc. The thing is, when two Light effects are too close, an ugly "effect" is created... "overlighting". If more than two, it becomes even worse... resulting in a ugly color spot. Example (upper right corner): Not nice, huh? So... thats why i've come here to ask for help. I investigated for some Light Scripts, that actualy have what i need and come across this one here http://www.hbgames.o...hp?f=11&t=74494 or this http://www.hbgames.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=63866 Fine, problem they have all the other stuff, time, day n night. Things i dont need, things that not needed in the script (at least for me personaly) or are not looking good (little squares). Then i found this here on Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpfNBQiKX1w Sadly, i could not find this script anywhere, i tried to search in google etc.... no chance! But this Video give a good Idead of what i'm searching. Another Example i found is this http://www.youtube.c...?v=qSI_Df0gBks. But it 's not completed obviously, because the gradient looks ugly. So, would be very cool if some expert here could create something :/... Furthermore, my Idea of Functionality of a possible Script: - The actual Form of Light is a graphic file (light circle e.g.) - A specific Letter in the Name of the Event says if this Event is a light source - By a call script the darkness can be controlled/set - The Light Sources should be moveable (Guards with torches for example or Player lantern) Thanks for reading, hoping for answers! greetz
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