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  1. Which unfortunately I know absolutely nothing about. I look at scripts and a lot of times I can't figure out what I'm looking at. Now I did see the slide forward in a RPGVX game useing a VX verson of the script (Game long since gone) The script though was all in Japanese and would not work with XP. I suppose I could try Atoa's Translation again but unless I'm mistaken (And I can be) there's a limit as to how big you can make the sprites. If I'm thinking about the right Battle system. Oh, I don't know if anyone else had this issue but when I downloaded the Atoa's Translation demo the text didn't pop up when I was trying it out. All I got was a blank message box.
  2. Actually I was thinking Indianna Jones and the Temple of Doom;) I've tried Atoa's Translation and there's a lot more work involved in that one. I have to make animation sprites for not just the characters but every enemy as well where as the Tankentai system I can use the standard sprites and battlers. Plus scripts and programing goes over my head so I have trouble makeing sense out of what I'm looking at. :)Thanks for the help all the same though.
  3. I hope there's someone here who can help me with this. I have the Tankentai battle system for RPGXP and I'm looking to add a skill to it. I wanted to set up an event where the player is trapped in a room with a wall of spikes coming toward him(This would be the enemy) and in a game battle the player would have to attack the approaching wall to destroy it before the time runs out. I'm not very good with scripts so I was wondering if A) where are the skills located in the script and B) Has anyone ever tried this? Any help would be appreciated. *EDIT* Oops, Just noticed this morning that this is not a support section but for scripts only. My Bad. Could a moderator or administrator move this to where it's suppose to be? Thanks.
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