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leejanes123 last won the day on May 20 2012

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About leejanes123

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    RPG Maker XP
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    Level Designer

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  1. Onyxbreaker's Recruitment - Dark Matter So, my friend and I have been working on a sci-fantasy game on RPG Maker VX for a small while, now. Dark Matter is the story of protagonist (surname) Nova and his journey across 3 galaxies in a bid to stop the Cult of Kai. Within the game there is something called ‘Hudokai’ (which is sort of like Final Fantasy VII’s Materia) which both you and the Cult of Kai want for differing purposes. The issue is that it’s taking a while. Onyxbreakers is made up of just two guys. Two guys who tried to do everything involved with game development, but just don’t have the time to do it all. Not unless we all want the game released in 2020! So here’s my proposal to you all; we need people to help on the development of Dark Matter. Places Available: · Mapper [2] · Audio – Music · Animator (brief 2D cutscenes) · Promotional Artist If you’re interested in coming aboard this project, then comment and let us know. Below is a brief form to let us know some details: Forum Name: Position: Teamwork Capabilites: (When you do the form, delete this part and rate your co-op skill from 1 to 10.) Working Time: (Erase this and put the hours you can help.) Frequency: (Erase this and put from 1 to 7 the days you are on/week.) Thanks for your time~
  2. i never thought of it that way Jon so thanks if any of you are interested in looking at some of the screen shots then here is a link to the onyxbreakers gallery page were i have uploaded them please feel free to have a look and leave a comment. http://onyxbreakers.webs.com/apps/photos/
  3. no its just something for players to do in spare time if they want. i think its adds a layer to the game it gives the player something to collect and something to do if they want a break from game-play along with bounty's and achievement's. as it stands there is only 1 more script we want and its for the title but the script we want wont work with the Materia script so if you know anyone that could play with it to get it to work we would really appreciated
  4. Update 0.2 hey guys i would like to give thanks to all your support as well as the unknown person that sent me the message on RMRK.com that gave me the VX Card script. thats right guys Dark Matter now has a card game for you all to play and if any of you have played final fantasy 8 then you know the game already for those of you that dont know it here is a link to a small game version i found on youtube enjoy and let me know what you think.
  5. The Epic Chimera project! really gives the wrong idea i was hoping to find an Epic project and then i find this :(
  6. Hey guys heres the first development blog its about 3 months old now so please bare that in mind as lots of stuff has been fixed ect hope you all enjoy it :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5C7bCrAu8E&feature=plcp
  7. Well let me know when your working on it again and if theres anything i can help out with :D
  8. Nice work with what your doing i love Megami Tensei games so will be keeping an eye on this as would love to play it keep up the good work :D
  9. downloading it now will let you know how it is :D looks intresting tho
  10. having a good day working on Dark Matter with Edgar :D

  11. thanks guys were working from 2 computers and this will just make things come along quicker :D
  12. Hey we were wondering if anyone could help?? i really want to make maps to then transfer them over to edgar to use in the project and was wondering if anyone could advice us on how to do it?
  13. leejanes123


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  14. leejanes123

    Nex Greg

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  15. leejanes123

    Nex Foltix

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