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Ragna the Bloodedge

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About Ragna the Bloodedge

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    Google, my friend. Google.

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    Lots of stuff, but for the sake of relevancy: Drawing, spriting, playing video games (Blazblue, Dark Cloud 2, Ape Escape), and writing.


  • Prefered Engine
    RPG Maker XP
  • Engine Level
    Getting There
  • Class Title
  1. I'm really sorry if this is the wrong topic for this. I didn't see any Tech Support category, and I figured this was the closest thing. I created a custom weapon called "Bare Fists" after realizing characters don't seem to have a natural attack stat from the get-go. (Or maybe they do, and I have yet to find it. But I looked pretty hard for such a thing.) I set up all the weaponry stuff, enabled using Bare Fists for the character, and put it in their Starting Equipment under Weapons. When I played the game, however, the character always does 0 damage, and when I checked their equipment, the Bare Fists weapon isn't there at all, yet his armor is. I thought it was because it was a custom weapon, but no other weapon shows up with this character either. Which is strange, because I can set that character's weaponry in the test battle tab (The database tab that lists the troops and lets you run a test battle) and the damage works fine. Weaponry also seems to work just fine with another character I have in the same party, so it's just this one character that's having this issue and I don't know what's wrong. I can post screenshots if you need more details, but that's the gist of it. I'm not sure why no weapons work with this character, but I'm hoping someone can help me with this. >_< Thanks in advance.
  2. @Amane: Hi, and thanks. ^_^; Nope, not just color editing. (Believe me, if I could find a sprite in the database that even looked CLOSE to Ragna's hair, I would've jumped for joy.) I really just had to get a spriteset so I could get an idea for the height and then draw over it completely. So yeah, outright custom, I think? It's fun for me, but still. Bwahaha, Genderswaps HOORAY! Pink makes it all the better. Thanks to everyone else for the welcomes and all, and sorry for the late reply. >_<;;
  3. Greetings. Sorry if I'm a little awkward, I found this site because I need help with a RMXP problem, and then I saw the "Amane Nikishi is Hot" guy that just joined and was all "BLAZBLUE FANS HERE?! OH MYYYYY" Major Blazblue nerd here, struggling to create a game based on a crapload of randomness, inside jokes, and a pink-color-scheme Ragna. (Customs sprites are HARD.) Nice to meet you all. ^_^
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