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  1. Ok Hi, my name is Sam. I have recently gotten into RMXP and i have decided to put my time into this project. Firstly, about me I am a 15 year old, hard working, creative perfectionist to say the least. I enjoy, movies, music, games, animating and drawing. When ever i say i am going to do something, i will generally finish it to the bitter end. So please, if you do wish to help me, don't be put off that i may give up, as i can promise you i wont unless something really makes me change my mind. I am on the second day of my 7 week holiday as school has finished and .. well .. i'm bored already So here is my new project. I have been playing with this program all day and have a general idea on how everything works. This placed helped me understand most of this so thank you. Now, onto my project. I have started to note down in word everything about my Game, and i intend on posting it on here. I have the general story down, aswell as the hero. I am however having a heard time with cutscenes, so this is where i will need alot of assistance from. I could also use the help of some sciptors and spriters/battlers. I can not offer much as an award, but it goes without saying full credit will be given without failure. Now onto the game. Story line - In a nutshell A Kingdom complete with happiness and prosperity. A small group of power full invaders venture to the kingdom from their own and raid the nearest village. More raiders venture forth, regroup and move on to destroy more villages and towns. Years pass and only a little segment remain of un cursed lands. There, Refugees are being exported to a highly secure island north of ‘Enter kingdom name here’ and the last remaining soldiers prepare to fight for what they have left and recapture the land that was once theirs. Story of hero's childhood In a peaceful village at the southern end of the kingdom, was a family. The father is an veteran captain for the local guards and the mother was nothing but a mere peasant. With their new born baby whom just arrived a few weeks back, life couldn’t get any better. At the guard post by the shore, a report of an unidentified ship was closing in. As all the guards were alarmed, they told the citizens it was nothing to worry about. However, when the ship closed in, a group of bandits jumped out and over powered all the guards men. The father of the new born baby stood his ground, as he swore not to let any bandits through as they could harm his family. He was over powered and slain. The mother was hiding behind a crate, as she witnessed her husband being slain. She let out a load moan which caught the eye of a bandit. As she tried to escape, she scurried into her home to pick up the baby. As she made a run towards the exit, she was slain. The baby fell and was crying out for help. Another guard jumped in and slain the bandit whom murdered the mother. He picked up the baby, and ran out of town. A few weeks later, the whole kingdom was falling apart. Every one had been ordered to evacuate to the northern kingdom. As guards were told to remain in there posts, everyone was rushed north. However, after the first attack, a year had passed before they were back. By this time more fresh guards had been recruited and were sent out to defend the kingdom. This kept on happening on and off for 16 years. About the hero and more story Now was your time to become an official guard. After the past 6 years of training and learning, you were ready. However, you were trained all these years in the white knight academy. The best of the best. It had been a worthy challenge and you finally qualify to become a member of the order of the white knights. However, in the real world, the only factor remaining of the kingdom was ‘Enter kingdom factor here’. The rest of the land was being jeopardised and under the chains of the Dark legion. Ran by ‘Enter head villain here’ The land was losing bit by bit and the council of ‘Kingdom name here’ Had enough. Every refugee were placed on boats and taken toward the northern islands which were under heavy security all over. The white knights gathered all their troops and were sent out into the wilderness. As you, the hero, are part of the C squadron, it is your duty to stay and protect the land that had been taken back for the Dark Legion. However, you get the better of yourself and sneak off to form your own alliance. This story is of you and how you seek revenge on the Dark Legion. As after every town that is won back, your goal becomes even closer. So to start, that is what i would like the opening cutscene to be about. If anyone could help it would be much appreciated. As for a reward, i can't offer much. But if you were to name what you want, i'm sure it could be arranged. Other than money unfortuantly. Random Facts The possible title for the game is'The Forbidden Legacy' But this may change The opposing force are known as the 'Dark Legion' Things to be decided Name of the overall kingdomFactors within the kingdom Name of hero Name of family members Name of his Alliance Members within the alliance Update soon As my eyes are growing weary, i must go to bed. I will be sure to update this tomorrow, to view your feed back and update the plot. For now though..Please give me feedback on Story/Plot What i should add If you would like to volunteer on doing the Cutscenes Making the sprites Making the battle icons If you want to join the team in making the game Making the website See ya!
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