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Amane Nishiki is hot

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About Amane Nishiki is hot

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Profile Information

  • Gender
    I don't want it to change things between us
  • Interests
    Video games, RPG Making, pink, crossdressing


  • Prefered Engine
    RPG Maker XP
  • Engine Level
    Getting There
  • Class Title
  1. Well, hi there! I saw YOUR username and thought "Hey! Another BlazBlue fan!" Welcome! Pink color scheme Ragna? Sounds great! That reminds me that I recently found some fanarts of a genderswapped pink color scheme Ragna...interesting stuff! Ha ha ha! When you say custom sprites, do you mean color editing? Color editing can be super simple or super hard depending on how you do it. If you mean outright custom sprites, that's another matter entirely!
  2. Thanks! Oh really? Well, I'm sorry...I just...love this color, it's like I'm TALKING in pink! (well, violet, hee hee hee) And that really intrigues me. (that, and I never really used any of these different color fonts or whatever, and thought it might be fun! I hope it doesn't really bother you too much...
  3. Thank you! I wonder why you quoted my name but left part of it out? It's alright though. Thanks, I think I like this name! Yes!! "Her!" (the character is from a game announced about a week ago, some fanartists are fast, aren't they!?) Thanks for the welcome! I hope using a different color font is okay, some forums frown down upon that, but it's so much fun!
  4. Hello there! I'm Amane Nishiki is hot! You can probably already guess a little about me based on my username, avatar, and signature, tee hee hee. Anyway, I've been with RPG Maker for a LONG time. Like, back with RPG Maker 1 for the PS1! Messed with 2 and 3 a little...then went to XP and everything changed! 20 incomplete projects later, I still have nothing to show for it! Oh well~! I've used VX and VX Ace a little, they seem cool, but I keep going back to XP because I feel "obligated" due to having so many incomplete ones. Most of them are fangames too, lol. Most people would probably be weirded out by my original ideas...based on the kinds of characters I make (pretty boys with purple hair and pink dresses are normal compared to some of my characters! LOL) I make sprites sometimes (just video game characters so far) but I rarely ever totally finish them or post them. I draw characters a lot, but never seem to have enough inspiration fo finalize them and put them in my games. Silly, that someone who designs so many characters makes mostly fangames! I already have accounts on like 10 different RPG Maker sites, so, why not here too? RPGs are fun to talk about, so I'm sure I'll fit in somehow!
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