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About Aldes

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  • Birthday 12/18/1992

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    Game design, graphics design, etc.

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  1. Thanks, that helped a lot! :) I appreciate you being so helping and patient! I have one question about the Areas, then I swear that will be it. D: Whenever I make an area, it like has to be a perfect square/rectangle. Say my continent has a bend in it, or something of the sort. Is there any way to select those things without making different Areas, or, without just putting a rectangle around the whole continent? Sorry if that made no sense though... Sorry for having so many questions... I am just a newb when it comes to RMVX.
  2. Also, if someone could possibly answer another question. When I try to set up an event in RMVX, say, for instance, I set the event ON the object that I want you to be able to select, you can't select it. It's hard to explain. I have to be on top of the event to be able to activate it. For instance, if I want to put an Herb in a pot, I can't put the event ON the pot, I have to do it around the pot, meaning I can't put multiple pots by each other, or else the events will stack. So, does anyone understand what I am saying, and could help? Thanks!
  3. Do you mean at the top left where it has a list of selectable Switches, Variables, Items, and Actors? If so, I have no idea to use them. xD So, any good tutorials for the Switches and Variables? I know how to use the other two. Thanks :D
  4. Okay, so, I am using RMVX, and am fairly new to it. I know the basic event creation, mapping, etc. But, I can't figure out how to make an event available only AFTER another has been completed. Like, I want to make it so that the person will not be able to access this item/dungeon until they talk to this person. Got any help for me? It would be greatly appreciated! :D THANKS!!!! Oooh. Also, while I am at it, I have another question. Is it possible for me to have different encounters appear in different sections of the same map? Like, on the world map, I don't want to have to create multiple different maps, I want to be able to set it so that when you go to a different land mass/continent, you run into different monsters. Is that possible? :) THANKS AGAIN!
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