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About Deranged

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  1. Personally, I'm curious about this. Disney reported that they are taking the storyline from the novels of Star Wars, and I've read a majority of them. I think if they stick with the novel's storyline and not make it cute and cuddly, it might work. I honestly wish that if George Lucas was to sell it, he would sell it to Warner Bros. They would take better care of it than Disney.
  2. I have mapped Reekmoor 1.1, 1.2, 1.3+Town. Now I'm working on 1.4+OldTown. Confused yet? lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Deranged


      Partly right. Reekmoor is basically a whole region, so I needed to make several maps of it. The town is in one of the maps, surrounded by a large wall to separate it from the "wilderness".

    3. madanchi


      Ahhh I knew I was close! It reminds me of Clocktown from Majoras Mask but in map form rather than city.

    4. Deranged


      Yeah :D My project has this kind of layout where there's not just one map of wilderness where you fight enemies. In fact, there is going to be more wilderness maps than the city maps. I'm putting taverns and very small villages that take a small portion of the wilderness map, so it won't look like the world is only populated in the big city areas. I put alot of thought and time into each map. I'm working hard....or hardly working lol

  3. Deranged

    Test Play Error

    I get this error when I test play the game: Failed to Initialize DirectX Audio. What do I do to fix this?
  4. Theme: Medieval Town Area: Tavern/Bar Description: A tune like "The Bard's Song" by Blind Guardian mixed with the tunes from Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles on the Gamecube. A mix of lute and pan flute with a viking/barbarian feel. Pic Of Area: I have no pic. Loop: Please loop. Anything else: Please don't add any vocals or semi-vocals (mouth-made sounds). I shall tip! :D
  5. Deranged

    Eventing Question

    I knew it was an easy fix, but it's such a big project, it needed some collaborative thinking :D
  6. Ok so I'm introducing fishing to my game, but I need a ripple in the water so the player knows where to fish. The only requirement I have is it needs to be the same color as the rtp water tile. If anyone can do this, I will be ultra grateful, and I shall give the deserved credit to that person.
  7. Deranged

    Eventing Question

    I actually fixed it myself. I used the control timer command to set a timer before it respawns, then made a self swith loop that repeats the first tab.
  8. Ok so I had this idea while I was on vacation about a new way to earn experience points. However, I know it will require 3 different Experience Pools. If anyone has played Fable, you would know there are 4 Experience Pools: General EXP, Melee EXP, Ranged EXP, and Magic EXP. My idea is a little bit different. There are 3 Experience Pools: Body, Combat, and Trade. Body EXP is like General EXP, but it focuses more on the player itself. Examples are Player Runnung Speed, How high the player can jump, the radius in which a player can see in darkness, etc. Combat EXP deals with any kind of combat, however it is different than most combat EXP. Instead of leveling up for new skills or spells, you level up proficiencies. For example, if you want to use a longsword, you can train your Longsword Proficiency, making you better at using a longsword. This applies with magic as well. If you level up your Fire Proficiency, you can use the spell Firebolt better. Trade EXP is collected by interacting with the world. From trading with merchants to smithing a new weapon, there are many ways to earn this. Leveling up will enable new items to create, discounts on items/equipment. Now I also wanted to use this particular EXP Pool for things like Thievry, Persuasion, Entertaining, etc. Since the world I'm creating may seem lively, I want the player to not be left out of the fun in the fantasy world. Now each of these pools, as you can see, will have their own passive skills you can level up. Normal skills/spells (like Firebolt or Dragon Slash) will be learned through skill/spell books, so it won't mess with the experience system at all. So, does anyone want to take this challenge? I will be absolutely grateful, and I shall add you to the credits. If the game is sold, I will also share the profits made. Thank you kindly! :D
  9. Deranged

    Eventing Question

    The wait command only goes to an integer of 999. And I got it set like this: Conditional Branch: [Harvest Knife] In Inventory You gathered 1x Medical Herb Control Self Switch A=On Else You need Harvest Knife in inventory
  10. Deranged

    Eventing Question

    Crafting is a big part in my project. I have an idea where the items that the player harvests, mines, etc. respawn at a certain time. Example: Player harvests Medical Herb. Medical Herb doesn't appear til 5 minutes is up. How do I do this?
  11. Works great! Thank you, phionabrie! :D
  12. I just need the boar to be small on the screen. Maybe the size of one of the default slimes
  13. That will work. Will I need to resize it for RPG Maker XP?
  14. Looks more like a boss :lmao: Thanks for trying though. I really appreciate it. To compare to this picture, it needs to be: Way smaller. About the size of a Collie dog. Tusks need to be short. Color: Brown. No spikes.
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