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About Maltose

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  1. I don't recall at this very moment... But did you look through the comments on the script? It is very extensive and shows a lot of commands. Also, I'm positive one of the NPCs in the Ccoa's UMS demo demonstrates the automatic closing feature.
  2. I have no problems at all with Windows 8 and RMXP. Run's just as fast as any other OS.
  3. I've gotten it to work seamlessly with Run as Administrator and Windows XP Service Pack 3 compatibility on my Windows 8 Pro 64bit
  4. Maltose

    Weapon Procs?

    Hello. So In my project I'm trying to have a sort of weapon proc system where depending on the powerup this character has, his basic attacks will have a chance to trigger additional attacks or effects. This would be fine and dandy but using events I see no way to check if a character has used a basic attack. How would you guys suggest I go about doing this? I understand Ruby and most of RGSS now, since I learned it over the past few days. So if scripting is necessary, I'll be welcome to that.
  5. In the Configuration System script, under the Individual Spritesheet Center there is a line like this: MNK_POSES_ACTOR = {1 => 18,2 =>12,3 =>16} Ensure the Actor ID of your second battler has the correct number of Poses (or rows) specified for its sprite sheet. The numbers you see there are a part of my script so it may look different for you. If you want every battler to use the same number of rows and frames, just make sure MNK_POSES_ACTOR is equal to {} or in other words MNK_POSES_ACTOR = {} Should be how that line reads. Hopefully this is the issue.
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