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FleshRenderStudios last won the day on January 11 2015

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About FleshRenderStudios

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    Advanced Member

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    Daniel Mystical-Knight Hall

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    Swadlincote, UK

Engines I Use

  • RPG Maker VX Ace
  • RPG Maker XP


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    RPG Maker XP
  • Engine Level
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    Level Designer
  • Other Skills
    HTML, CSS and some RGSS.
  • Project(s)
    M.O.T.F and S.O.T.A: S.O.P

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  1. The reason the data is being sent/stored on the server is because it need's to verify the validity of the claim for satoshi for that particular action that is performed in the game. If a single player earn's 1 million satsoshi by hacking into the game and performed a number of questionable action's and they choose to cash out I have to pay them 1 million satoshi (roughly $2.40). If 1000 player's did this it's $2,400. It's more of a case of having an anti-cheat system more than anything else due to the fact that the game is based on a play-to-earn structure. If I didn't have something like this in place I may as well just walk around the country throwing money in people's faces lol if you catch my drift lol :P verified action (via exported to server code) = satoshi reward for each action verified action (via printed export only) = no satoshi reward for each action (due to the code's not matching) The player would be able to login to a sort of USER AREA where they can look how many action are being paid for and how many are not, They have a choice to question an unverified action of course.
  2. Code Generator Script and a couple other requests. Wow I haven't been here for a VERY long time, Ever since I started mining bitcoin lol. Anyway I came here to ask a scripter a favor, I would like to request a series of script's related to a bitcoin mining game that I am trying to make. Now to people who already know what bitcoin is or have heard of bitcoin or know how it works you will know that someone/something (the miner/ASIC) has to connect to the blockchain/bitcoin network in order to recieve a chunk of data for it to decrypt and verify that everything is in order. Basically I am creating a game that will operate no differently to your generic sim management/tycoon/idle/active game where you perform an action and receive a result, except this result pay's you "the player" a small amount of satoshi in return for performing each individual payable action. Essentially what I need is a script that can (if possible) communicate/send a message to a server or create a text document when the event option to "cashout" is selected which contain's information about a player's activities in the game and awards them an accumulated amount of satoshi as a reward. In order for this to be possible it has to do several thing's: Send/Receive data to/from a server (not sure if this is possible) Have a randomly generated "signature" that the server will recognize to verify an action was actually performed in game (rather than be added to the document/export code after the game has ended), This needs to happen after every "payable action" so you need access to event trigger's or a script call, The signature should contain information on the action performed and an encrypted time-stamp so the server know's when the action was made and data on how long that action should take. Any other actions taken while an action should not be performable would result in payout not being possible for that action, essentially meaning the would be an "unverified action" flag for that particular action. (anti-cheat) Each signature will need to be uploaded to the server when they are generated. Add a password to the generated file(viewable in file)/export code(encrypted, Viewable in game only) that will be displayed in game that the player has to enter on the player database site to issue a payout. If this end's up being export code based (probably best to have it this way) then have that generated export code automatically uploaded to the server in order to ensure the export code has not been tampered with after the game has ended. (anti-cheat) Now obviously this may not be possible in RPG Maker VX Ace but I figured I would ask anyway, If it can't I am happy to transfer this game over to Unity and get someone to create a script in UnityScript/JavaScript/C# instead. Many thanks for reading my topic guy's and doll's hope your all having a good day ^_^
  3. Here ya go: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tl03loknhvx3o1k/Screenshot%202015-01-21%2005.22.47.png?dl=0
  4. I swear down if this laptop doesn't stop clicking on stuff automatically on its own I'm going to smash it to f***ing smitheens!!!! *slams head on desk*

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. FleshRenderStudios


      it's the left touchpad mouse button, I don't know how to turn it off lol it's not in the list of devices


    3. Bob423


      Usually laptops have a key you can press while holding FN to turn off the touch pad and it's buttons.

    4. FleshRenderStudios


      I just ordered a gaming mouse from geek.com gonna take 19 days to deliver though lol

  5. This has to be my most amazing title screen yet: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wp55i94on0me9lc/Survival_3_Commercial(Watermark).png?dl=0

    1. Bob423


      looks awesome! ...I would suggest using imgur to upload images before sharing them though. Can have them all in 1 nice little album, they have short links, and gdu won't break the link, forcing me to copy/paste the link instead of clicking it lol

    2. Bob423


      Dropbox is awesome...but not really great for sharing images. Imgur is "the simple image sharer" for a reason

    3. FleshRenderStudios


      true but when I print screen something it auto uploads to dropbox lol makes it much much easier for me :)

  6. First status of the day yay! Also check this out: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hnwk41t9sk4tovl/Screenshot 2015-01-18 20.58.30.png?dl=0

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. FleshRenderStudios


      that's fine, Smallest fee is £5 ($7.50 USD est).

    3. Bob423


      *what I want... I should sleep...

    4. FleshRenderStudios


      lol don't worry about typo's I knew what you meant :p send me a small example of what you want and I will give you a one off freebie :)

  7. Updated OP with story so far :) Estimated GameTime with current story 8 hours.
  8. Sands of the Arena Hey guys and gal's i just wanted to introduce my project, The original idea for this game has been submitted in the games section for quite some time but it died middle of last year after I lost my 3rd writer but it is back from the depth's of hell one again rebirn anew and full of life so allow me hance to explain the premiseand give you a prologue. Character's: Marcus Alder (Main Character) Has the power of Illuminate(s) 15 at start of game. Male No voice yet Lady Celine Alder (Marcus Alder's Mother) Haunts MARCUS in his dreams from her suicide Female 34 No voice yet Lord Richard Alder (Father of Marcus Alder) 44 Male Sends Celine and Marcus to secure a new trade route with Wolfskull Lord of the Radash Plains No voice yet Kristy Wells (Street Orphan/Thief/Potential Love Interest) A girl who, at first, dislikes Marcus to the bone. 15 when met. Female Voiced by Rachael Messer http://www.rachaelmesser.com/ Brodan (Clan Wolfskull Cub) Bit of a round young lad who trains with Sykes 16 ½ Male No voice yet Sykes (Clan WolfSkull Cub) A thief who has a crush on Kristy. Trains with MARCUS and Brodan. Age: 16 ½ Male Voiced by Keaton Bogle Judo Graves (Clan WolfSkull Leader) The Current leader of Wolfskull. He is generally ruthless and brutal to newcomers. 43 (Clan Leader for 14 Year) Voiced by Ste Pye https://www.facebook.com/TheTerraist?fref=ts Dinas The Hunter Spikemane (The Blade of WolfSkull (Champion)) The Current holding Blade of Wolfskull. The highest honor possible within a Clan. 31 Voice acting in progress David DuMont (Monk/Priest of Ancient Times) A ancient and evil Monk who sets forth the Shade into the living world. Unknown Not Human not voiced yet The Thirteen Council Members Letro Mortite Sabian Gray Jain Farsheath Camilla Honestheart (The Uncorrupted) Uion ZieMarcus Atrez Holomatin Largo Symphona Daaruk Sin Kelko Anera Tilen Seabourn Cervinius Dedivin Heiburn D. Santiousio Lacey (Fetileen Met at the trade year) 20 Fetileen (female cat lady) Not yet voiced Story So Far (Check each of the spoilers!): Seriously though before you go any further though only read what you want to read as there is a LOT of spoiler content and wil likely ruin the game if you read too much!!!!!!!!!
  9. muhahaha my skillz are epic: var foodDemand = function (food) { console.log("I want to eat" + " " + food); } foodDemand("an orange")

  10. === and ; will be the death of me one day *bangs head against table*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FleshRenderStudios


      yay infinate script === break browser :)


    3. Polraudio


      But its fun when if(someting == true); xd yea its annoying sometimes when you have to use == for an if. it has to double equal it to make sure it equals it :P

    4. FleshRenderStudios


      lol ikr :) I left it alone after 30 or so lessons yesterday, Wanted to give it time to sink in haha :) gonna try again later on

  11. *bangs head against table* 15 voice actor's on my team and no mapper's -_-

  12. Thanks Pol :) that code you posted was exactly how I learned to do minor code in JS lol but I had some help in the form of www.codecademy.com which I believe actually cater's JS around making a small game such as rock, paper, scissors and a Mini RPG of sorts thats asks the user to input some details, then ask's a number of question to determine you str, int etc. and determines from thoseanswers whether or not you kill the dragon :P it's all done in screen popup's though rather than intergrated into the web page, That probably teach that part later lol. Learn to Code in numerous languages here:- http://www.codecademy.com
  13. I would love to use Unity although current hardware limit's me in what I can do, If I can sellmy current RM projects and manage to get enough to upgrade my hardware I'm all for Unity. I have about 8 game's I want to make in Unity purely because of the 3D aspect being so readily available. I do know a little bit of JS as well but certainly not enough to develop anything mindblowing lol :p
  14. Because I am a boss lol and can get win8 on pretty much anything lol :P I dunno really though tbh lol it came on the laptop when I bought it 2nd hand lol :P Highest Res on my laptop is 1280x800 additionally I have my laptop hooked up to my TV lol and that only support the lowest setting on my laptop which is ofcourse 1024x768 lol
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