Looks like I'm late to the party.
Hello! Not exactly sure what to state here, but I'll keep it short. I joined this forum because while I was searching for Calling Common Events through script, I found it here! I was later attracted by the other sub-forums and helpful tips/resources. But the first actual post I read, was a farewell from some one, which leads me to this question: What exactly, is RMU and GMU? It seemed like a huge deal when I read about it. Anyways, I signed up in hopes to better my skills with RPG Maker XP, and create some cool games in my spare time to share with some friends (And probably newly made ones)! I started using RPG Maker XP back in 2008, and some how abandoned it. Now, I've gotten myself into it again, and have started a new project. The only thing that I despise, is being generic. Therefor, I will try to make my Games unique! Also, I'm Jesse. So yeah, that's about it.