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Everything posted by NotBananaCreamPie

  1. Got my copy, now its time to start learning ruby and rgss3 :3

  2. My shipment on VX ace got delayed till monday ;-;

  3. I always love being able to change up a website's colours to my liking, this is awesome. I have it set to red right now so it can match my Raiden walpaper :3.
  4. Drawing monster concepts at 11pm :D

  5. Wondering whether or not I should get rpg maker xp or vx ace...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NotBananaCreamPie


      Yeah what I'm looking for is an engine that can handle custom scripts the best and which has a larger database of pre-made scripts. Sadly it looks like xp is losing a lot of its custom scripts due to links going dead ;___;.

    3. Bigace360


      What are you talking, what links are dead? Plus I mainly work on XP so my scripts are still flowing. But at time to time I release scripts for VXA.

    4. NotBananaCreamPie


      Oh, well the ones here are mostly still all here, but I've been looking around other forums and websites where many of their links to custom scripts have 404'd.

  6. I'm just another guy who is working on making a game in rpg maker xp, but doesn't know much about scripting at all. I pride myself on my writing and art skills, but am still very limited by my lack of coding skills. Hopefully I can learn a thing or two about RGSS1 while I work with the script directory. It'll be nice joining ya'll here :>
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