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Everything posted by xeno2d

  1. var limiter = 0.2 var animationTime = 0.0 function update(time){ time += 1.0 - limiter //switch frame with time }
  2. Character Graphic A Script can also do the mentioned above. Will a common event for each character do the trick? Where can i find such a script i guess a script will have other features. Such as the first puzzle in my demo. You place a fish and want to show graphic. Also typing name in front of each show text is cumbersome. In ace you can type \\[N1] to get chracter name. So to sum up need a script to display names in a more optimized way along with character graphics. Character graphics while speaking.
  3. Hey Redd, I was wondering if the demos of music are available for download. So i can test them in battle,certain scenes and etc. The pictures on albums do not remind me of an rpg or rmxp at all. Im looking more for a dungeon theme(guitars) and flute theme(for towns).
  4. TOJ VERSION C Uploading a quick Demo. https://www.mediafire.com/?b00p8lisbae6lve TOJ C V2 https://www.mediafire.com/?1kt54f5opyn4otf TOJ B VX ACE A MUCH BETTER VERSION______________ http://www.mediafire.com/download/gq0ldpqab5r4wg7/revisionzeroToJ.zip.zip Contains custom tile screen and music. Sprite transparency has been changed to transparent. rmxp = password Includes a working system. The feats,skills and adventures of Team 11. TOJ C WORLD MAP SPRITE SHEET OF JEOS FISH
  5. Playing RMXP Worked in what i like to see. The scripts are working in 104E Blizzard party switcher tankentai sbs and attacks tonsofaddons(real name) enemy animated battlers. ring menu have blizzard party switcher in ring menu now working on some content and hope to output a better demo

    1. zahraa


      I'm warning u! There are a lot of problems when u mix tankentai SBS and blizzard party switcher. Take me seriously unless you're a good scripter!

    2. xeno2d


      Well if you download my demo, i do not hit any errors related to any scripts really. I did when i forgot a few graphics.

      If i code its in VB.Net. The demo has two maps and is basically just a tutorial of how i would make a game. So it just

      about sums everything i would do in it. Such as picking up the fish and placing in the water essence. Once you come back from the mission, they turn into a big better

      stronger version, with water element. The only element a fish will really b...

  6. A Custom Graphic for Tales of Jeos Version "C". The title screen also has custom music, named Draconis System playing. ToJ C Is all about Team 11's adventure through Raegoth which is located in the Draconis System.

    © A DiGitAL WhiRLWiND

  7. hmm positive reviews here is a slighltly updated version with some new maps what do you think? mainly Jeos and apriesthouse.Second Link is to song,third link is rpgmvx rtp. http://www.mediafire.com/download/b4n6mi5p69pabqi/toj0.rar http://www.mediafire.com/play/evf2ib4yqfge748/bWHKKNjcuxpr.128.mp3 http://www.mediafire.com/download/b30v5l8tm2hx02o/RPGVX_RTP.rar
  8. Well the whole point is to test the music to the very nice demo.
  9. A Quick demo with a custom battle theme hand crafted by shmee of course. I think it sounds bad ass slowed down a tad. Other than that just a test. Download plz and enjoy awesome battle theme. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?9q7iaf7kbm2e6gb
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