Andrew. Bit of a cross post here, as I've also just joined another RM forum. Please put down the torches and pitchforks. Thank you.
Anyhow, I am not new to game design in general, but I am completely new to RPG Maker. I just purchased VX ACE on sale from Game Stop Online, which actually gives me the Steam installation. Not sure why things work out that way, but there it is. The only thing I've had time to do with the program is play around with the map tile layout. I have four very tiny islands mapped out. One of these days I'll figure out what to do with them. To that end, I've found a couple of guides on Steam that I'll spend today going over. What I didn't find (much to my surprise) was any kind of built in tutorial or demo within the actual RPG maker package I purchased. Maybe it's there and I just haven't found it yet.
My strongest skills related to game design are story, character, and world building. My weakest is probably trying to produce any original artwork. Okay, I'm fairly weak on the actual finishing of projects as well. Programming I can manage, but I guess I'll need to learn Ruby to get there.
So, there's me in a nutshell. Yay.