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About viviboy

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  3. viviboy


  4. Hello, as we all know / or maybe some of you don't know, Naramura's Site is down... :( But luckily it seem's our forum's Gallery is the only one I see that still have some Naramura's Battler - Thank you Emily But we are still missing some. And here are some that are missing: Fighter 4 - The human with dark green hair with purple cape and black armor (Without the mask) Hunter 3 - The elf with light green hair And others, that I can't name right now... so if anyone sees any missing in the gallery and have them. Please add them. I will too~!
  5. It is in the Gallery. http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index....=si&img=211 Or if your too lazy to do that, here it is
  6. I'm sorry.. I don't really know my RPG Maker terms.. but I figured out how to open the party change script. But I still have one question, and oh the script is right here: http://forum.chaos-project.com/index.php?topic=116.0 So, my question is....with that scipt, how am I able to not select the characters that are not in the plot of my story.. EX: Main Char... meets 2nd 3rd and 4th Char. Then the 5th Char come and joins and I the party change is open. But when I use party switch my other not in plot Chars are viewable.. how to I make them not?
  7. Hey Polraudio, thanks for the help... but guess what I found the script..I should have noticed the Tutorial Forums.. In fact.. I never knew it was there. But here's the page to refresh you: http://rmrk.net/index.php/board,111.0.html Edit: But I still have one question about the script. I want to change my members from the menu and it said on that forum to use this: $scene = Scene_Party_Change.new But I have no idea how, and if i need to put it into the script on which line?
  8. Hey, it's me again..XD.. anyways I was just wondering..and I think this hasn't been posted yet. How do you change your party? What a easy question this time.. How to change your party.. but I don't mean like using the Change Actor etc etc tab I mean like you can go to the menu and press Change Party like in a game made with RMXP - Aveyond. Or you talk to some person and a window opens ..like in some Final Fantasy games. And if I need a script to do that.. which I hope I don't.. please tell me. Thank you
  9. Hello RMPXUnlimited.. it's me again.. the annoying person with lots of questions ^^ Umm this time I have a question for Emily - Can you help me make a Character tile for this picture? It's doesn't need to look the same, just a girl with light blue hair, yellow tops and a blue pants thats all, but with some some details will be nice =). Also I want to know how to make more than 3 lines of text on RMXP I got the AMS Script but I'm unable to know how to get more than 3 lines of text. And one last question, just answer yes or no please. Can I just \Name and \f together on the same text box and make them appear?... Thank you, I be sure to put a Special Thanks to RMXPUnlimited on my game... which I have no idea when it's going to come out..><
  10. Thank you for those sites... anyways lets finish answering some questions 1. Summoning Monster: My example of that is like a F.F style, wherebout a monster/s ..in this case a summon, so lets say were in a battle vs a ..... rock...^^ and a Summoner, summons a ...fish ^^ and the fish slaps the rock then it dissapear... so my summon will appear in the middle of my screen and a picture of a fish appears then it will do an animation and the fish dissapear and thats about it ^^ and by animation I mean like the ones that are inbuild with the game's system not like a WHOLE BIG 3-D animation 2. Locked interior Doors.. i'll give you a site here you go http://www.ehow.com/video_4428189_maker-xp...r-tutorial.html Thats were I learn to make doors... and I use the same style for interior and exterior But because you also used Contional Branch KEY used... I don't know where to put that in on my style of door...so a little help please?
  11. Thank you ^^'.... anyways I still need help on some on my questions. Like the summoning monster et a new question .... How do I add more things into my Menu Page? Like... Chars. Bio, Stats..more indepth...etc Also is there a way that you can make a world map? Not like to see but to walk on ..like 1 place to another... cause I played a game called Aveyond and it was like based on RPG Maker so...ya. And do you have any recommended sites to download chars. sets and tile sets, etc. And I forgot to mention...Locked Interior doors..Thank you ^^
  12. ^^ Thank you Marked... Umm can I ask you something? Can I use the faces.... and if it was from a sript was it that other link a few posts back? Also, I couldn't find how the starting items part.. so a little Hint Hint ...or better, just tell me would be nice. =)
  13. Okay I get it now so... but if I want my char. to look like it's talking back to the other person should I use in the same event box do this? Text: *1* Girl Hi *Main Char name* Text *2* *Main Char name* Hello girl like that? Cause do most people do that? And I have another SERIES of questions.. ^^ 1. Locked Doors 2.Locked Chests 3. Convo between 2 different people. EG. Man 1 I'll like a cup of tea please. Man 2 Okay *walks to him* Here you go *Walks back to counter* 4.Change actor EG. Actor 1 talks. ...Mean while Actor 2... then back to Actor 1 5.Deleting saves from Testplaying 6.Changing Starting Items weapons armor..etc 7.Summoning monster *not stay on battle* go on attacks then leave 8. I get the \n[#] but what if my char change.. is there a way that they know and can show the Char's name that their talking to Thats all for now if I need help with some other things i'll ask you guys for help ^^
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