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Everything posted by Nisage

  1. Haha, I always wanted someone to type that in :P If it's between those two, then of course Mercury.
  2. Understood (For the claws). What do you mean by Highlights, you mean try to make sure they aren't to bright, or to dark? Fallen Angel (Less Saturation) I guess I have a lot more to learn then about sprites then I thought, huh? :P
  3. (In order) Front legs, got it, I'll have to fix those. Oh, yeah I was planning to make it walk like a spider, but I think I'll fix it to make them front view, like you said. Oops, didn't notice that about the head, I'll have to fix that, somehow (it'll be a pain to make Chaos Magma again. Do you mean the claws that are one colored, the ones in the back when it's facing left, and right?). What's wrong with my choises in colors? I like it, but what colors would you chose then instead of yellow for the wings?
  4. I believe that's a Sideview Battle System, I recognize the Face Graphic Styles of Wells, and Sakura. But the thing above with the character's heads is new to me.
  5. It's fun making Chimeras (just hard to color the parts to match the rest of it though, unless they are supposed to me mis-matched colors like for the first one). I think it's a knee since those aren't arms, and do you mean for the ones in the front, back, or both (for giving shape to the knees)? And this was going to be a proto-type of a tarantula-like creature, But I could change the feet to make it more interesting, more "beast" like. Oh the aura, duh of course:P. That's kind of hard to shade though. Oh wait, I forgot to post these monsters in here (I'll only post one of them)........ It was a request from OverlordMao, here's the link to the topic....... http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index....2479#entry18640 Edit: You mean this kind of a recolor? Fallen Angel Battle Graphic
  6. I pick both criticism, and advice :P. Well, I do change the HUE a little after I recolor them a bit (but not for all of them), I guess I could change a few parts instead of the whole thing. But I like to make new breeds of monsters (more fire-attribute, water, dark, etc...... Maybe I overdid that by a little bit ^^') I'm still new to recoloring and most of these are my first attemps. I always thought a Chimera is supposed to look something like that, or do you mean something more like this? Demon Magic? I only posted the Fire Punch, and Dark Thorns Animation. Dark Thorns Black thorn vines, with an evil red aura. Well then, do you have any pointers (or advice, whichever you perfer :P) for a rookie? Edit: @Selkie: I'm not used to all of the controlls for Photoshop, but yeah.
  7. I'll help as well. With Recolors, and maybe some Gameovers.
  8. I don't have the patience to wait that long :P, he could share with us some of it. Can't we just go with your story for now Jesse?
  9. I kind of liked Konichi, but this name is good as well. Edit: I agee with what Joey said.
  10. Nice storyline, the characters are pretty detailed (I should fix that for my game :P), I like the different races of Hakurei. Sounds like a really good game to me.
  11. Nisage

    My arm...

    That sounds painful, hope your wrist gets better soon.
  12. Time never is fun when there's little of it, I think we all know that very well :(. Try to reserve an hour or two (or some amount of time) for RMXP, and Unlimited of course :), like on the weekends maybe (Saturdays mostly:P). But I think taking a break from XP would help..... just relax, have a smoothe, and watch a movie.
  13. Happy Birthday Demondaze.

  14. I'm always looking at the Top Posters on Unlimiteds' home page to see who's about to reach post 1000 :P I just thought I'd let you know. Congradulations on reaching post 1000.
  15. We'll miss you. Come back soon from your hiatus, ok?
  16. Greetings Jbryant, and welcome to Unlimited. Nice list of games you've played, I think I heard of Ogre Battle before, well I think part of its series maybe. It's called Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis.
  17. This is cool, no bugs spotted at all. You could also set it up that if the character is on the bomb when it explodes, you lose health or call a Game Over.
  18. I am different, very different :P and don't be sad *Gets a box of tissues ready, just in case*. I only had pie twice, and they both weren't that great (since I think the second pie went bad before I had it). So if I tried pie again from a store instead of home baked, I might like it (since, only people that never really had pie would hate it, right?). Oops, got a little bit off topic :P Sorry about that.
  19. Sweet, a Naruto game (How did I miss this topic?). Can I be a game tester, and maybe I could try to help with the storyline a bit. Now for Animations..... I don't know if my style of Animations would work, here's four of them........ http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9Z8MAIIS
  20. Bad news, my Chimera sprite has an error with its wings so I have to make it all over again :(. But luckly I have its Battle Graphic all set and ready (ok, I resized it since it was to big :P). Chimera Battle Graphic I'm re-making the sprite right now once I'm done fixing the first post. Sorry it's taking so long with new updates here.
  21. Welcome to Unlimited, RazTwilight.
  22. Greetings to Unlimited, and don't worry, we'll be there to help :P.
  23. Sweet, I like the third Windowskin.
  24. Welcome to Unlimited, Selkie.
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