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DustyZiroto last won the day on July 28 2017

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About DustyZiroto

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 05/05/2000


  • Referer
    Found it myself

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    A Coffee Shop in New York
  • Interests
    Game Development..

    Thats really it.

Engines I Use

  • RPG Maker VX Ace
  • RPG Maker XP
  • Unity
  • RPG Maker MV


  • Prefered Engine
    RPG Maker XP
  • Engine Level
  • Class Title
  • Other Skills
    Good choices for the player
  • Project(s)
    Prophet Sword

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  1. Don't worry, I'm still alive and well, albeit a little busy. I'm still working on Prophet Sword.

  2. I loved the original SoTC, but my god, the framerate.. Hopefully, the PS4 version can rectify it.
  3. Itsy Bitsy and Prophet Sword take place in the same universe, but Dusty and Itsy never meet.

  4. Square Enix said they'd be better with Dragon Quest games coming to the west. Still, I'll wait as long as needed for any DQ game to come to the west.
  5. Oh shoot, I copy and pasted a quote from Megaman zero for the banner quotes, and i didn't notice that it already had quotation marks. I'm very sorry.

    1. Bob423


      Deleted. You can resubmit it now :)

    2. DustyZiroto
  6. Please do not walk on the flowers in Ruina. The gardeners put a lot of effort into them :(

    1. Kitsuki


      The gardeners cannot contain total anarchy. Unless they like, deduct 100HP for walking on the flowers. Then I might rethink my life choices. ;)

    2. DustyZiroto


      I'll make it lower your HP parameter, if I must.

  7. Sleep or coffee?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Polraudio


      So is cake, pie, icecream etc.... got to live a little once in a while and treat yourself lol.

    3. Marked


      When I was in uni I was poppin' a 500ml energy drink daily, at least. GG.

    4. Kitsuki


      Coffee AND sleep. Works perfectly for me.


      I've never even had an energy drink, wouldn't know if it's great or bad for you.

  8. Real pain in the ass when you have to wipe your games saves after fiddling with scripts.

    1. Bob423


      Welcome to solo/indie game development. Your game better be fun, because you're going to be playing it a LOT.

    2. Polraudio


      LOL! Testing is even worse. Just imagine playing a section of the game over again and again like 20+ times just to find bugs(thats what real testers do.). Game dev isn't all sunshine and lollipops lol.

  9. To be honest, an edit, or delete post feature is the only crucial thing missing. I like Pol's suggestion too, but aside from that, I have no further suggestions for GDUr. I also like the concept of that EXP system you suggested awhile back.
  10. This game was honestly one of my favorite Square Enix games of all time. Seeing this game getting it's well deserved remake on 3DS, getting a few new changes, (going deeper into the mute protagonists story, new party members) and just being a significant improvement (except losing it's orchestrated soundtrack which is something worth losing for a 3DS port) to it's PS2 predecessor. Oh, and the voice acting. Cor blimey, it's good. Trust me, investing time into this game is something worth doing. If you haven't played the game on PS2 you'll fall in love with each character in your party. Take it from me, and if you have the money and a 3DS (or thinking about getting one) definitely place money down on this one. You won't regret it!
  11. Welcome! Always nice to see a new face here.
  12. "I'm gonna work on my game all night and be prod-" (Three undone essays due tomorrow, homework due tomorrow, and a few tests tomorrow) ".. nevermind."

  13. Sounds like a good idea to me. I believe an EXP system would be a good way to gauge someones credibility in the community, and give people a sense of accomplishment when they level up (not to imply it's less about what they do within the upload, and make this all about EXP). I'd love to be uploading things, and watching my level rise over time. It'd look good on the refinery, if you ask me.
  14. Hey, I posted some stuff in the GDU Refinery! Check it out, if you'd like!

  15. I believe the best way to describe it is it's full of features, but not overwhelming. This website has a lot in it, and I never had an issue navigating it, but thats just my brief thoughts. ..Mobile is a different story, but this is a website best used on the desktop anyway.
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