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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/7152-this-cannot-be-true/page__view__findpost__p__61885 Yup.. I'm amazing.
  2. Obviously mr. kim was the only one who had a say in this. xD EDIT: And that was my 4000th post. Pretty lame..
  3. Hurray for bunnies! This discussion is now over. :mellow:
  4. What blog? There's no rules against posting links as long as its SFW material. As for the other things, Tomo is the guy you need to talk to, as I think he can help with some of your questions. As for inflation/defaltion with shops, Leon wrote a script for that.. thought I'm not sure if its released. Some searching might help.. if not I can try contacting him. As for (wow I like these As For's don't I? xD) the menu screen position. That's really easy to change. Make a new RMXP project (so you don't screw up your game) and play around with the x and y numbers in the Scene_Menu script. you only have to change two values to get it right where you want it. I can't see your menu via that link thought, it 404'd.
  5. You made two of the same topic! xD Your menus and message system look awesome! Keep up the good work. Doesn't really seem like you need any help. :3
  6. Don't worry, there are no exciting pictures or videos of anything that you might want to see. Nope, nothing at all. Be on your way. Did you finish the rest of them Marked?
  7. No. No no no no no. NO! She is the worst mapping instructor ever. She misuses all sorts of crap... Grr I despise her... lol I would totally try this Pol, but I can't use RMXP atm. :<
  8. Welcome to the forums poopface. I hope you enjoy your stay, since you won't be leaving. >:3 If you need any help at all don't hesitate to ask. You and I always seem to be on the same timeframe. xD (Except for the seventeen hour difference and all. lol)
  9. Kiriashi


    I am overtaking this thread and turning it into a de/motivational poster gallery. Because I can. ^The best on ever.
  10. Your game looks pretty darn epic. :P I can't wait to try it out. Good luck! This.
  11. xD The thing is, if there are two community projects, than neither would really be a community project. A more active site with more members willing to participate could do two at a time with a contest type thing, but for us it'd be best to just have one.
  12. I love you. xD RMXPU definitely needs faster loading time
  13. Ha! I remember samurai jack... good times.. xD As for your game idea: I really don't want to be a downer, but I feel obligated to tell this to all people knew to RMXP and game development in general. Fan games are a bad idea. Well.. kinda'. They are a bad idea for first projects. You really should familiarize yourself with the engine first. RMXP can get quite complicated when you get deep into development. I am by no means telling you not to do this. I'd love you have you prove me wrong. : D I just think you should make an original game first, as they are so much easier and less frustrating. Making so many graphics is not as easy as you think. Good luck with whatever you do!
  14. I don't know anything about this community project you guys are talking about, but I have a couple things to say. There should be only one community project at a time. That's that.. Like Mark said it would be too damn contrasting and confusing to have two. Sol, the idea of basing a game around that RP is brilliant. There is lot of story to start with, and Tomo has a lot of zombie-esque games that could really help. If it was up to me I'd say screw everything else and do that. :P
  15. While I still need to screw with RMXP more (been on a long hiatus) before I can really answer any questions, I will say this much. Pretty much everything is possible with RMXP, one way or another. You just have to keep at it. :3 I wish you luck. And welcome back btw.
  16. Fixed your title image: Before After I already change the link. ^_^ As for the actual game. Seems pretty cool. The fact that you used an IRL picture for the titlescreen is quite neat. I've never seen that before. Good luck!
  17. If you need to contact me my steam name is Kiriashi

    1. Bob423


      i prefer to get high on minecraft alone. plus i don't know how to get servers to work for me.

    2. Polraudio


      bob its a problem with your ISP or your router. It always times out when trying to contact minecraft servers.

      It could also be the firewall blocking it.

    3. Marked


      I'd rather spend my time working on the site. Besides, I find these addictions unhealthy.

    4. Show next comments  75 more
  18. *burp*

    1. isaacsol


      Hey there lesser seen one

    2. ShinyToyGuns


      herpburp...it's Kiriashi O.o

    3. Blackbound


      KIRI Q~Q I missed you D:

  19. Ermm... what? Yeah I know the song.. xD Also, let it be known that I was tempted to just say whatever, and I didn't so whatever..
  20. I'd love to participate but I think you are HUGELY misunderstanding gameplay time. A FULL RMXP game can be around 40 minutes. That's not a short game. So for a contest like this, 2 hours is insane. It takes about 4 hours to make a good ten minutes of game time. And I'm not counting battles, since that is a lot more dependent on the player. I'd say a good total game time MAXIMUM should be around 30 minutes. Since I like to put extreme detail into every little map, I'd say my entry will probably be 20-30 minutes.
  21. Not really. Vote for who you think deserves. If you really think you deserved it, then vote for yourself. If you don't just to be "fair" then you aren't really BEING fair. :P
  22. Thats what you get when you use things like PK. And besides, there IS a keygen [Which I do not condone whatsoever] somewhere out there so PK is obsolete isn't it?
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