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Everything posted by Kiriashi

  1. The word for backwards should be backwards backwards.

    1. Joey


      ....A wat? lol

    2. ShinkuAura


      A Paradoxical Stament means that Backwards should be spell backwards. it has the opisite effect.meaning that that it's not really suppose to be backwards XD consult a dictionary.

    3. Cjboy


      I see what you did there...

    4. Show next comments  138 more
  2. Kiriashi


    Hmm. In that case it is a script request. >.< My bad. It was a little ambiguous before. I'm not quite sure if that is possible. Perhaps someone else will know.
  3. Kiriashi


    Wait.. what? Can you elaborate a bit more? And so far this doesn't seem like a script request. *moved*
  4. Is this still a problem with RMXP? if not, make a new topic for it. ^~^
  5. I'd like to know the font as well. Nice tutorial. Short and sweet. :3 You're a pretty good teacher.
  6. Congratulations Ms. RMXP Queen. ^~^ We need to make a rewards system for this.
  7. : O You can't set transparency in Gale? That sucks. >.< Broken, this: should say this: :3
  8. Dude, Gimp is free and photoshop is upwards of 100 dollars for students. I can't begin to list the advantages. But like I said, they are in completely different leagues.
  9. This post echoes my opinion. ^ The bomb was necessary at that time. Japan attacked us, we had no choice but to fight back, and this was the only thing we could do to get them to STFU. I'm pretty sure the radiation sickness was unknown at the time. Siverix, of course war isn't a good thing. But when 2000+ people are killed because of an opposing country, you don't just sit there and do nothing because war is a bad thing. We had to fight back. America ain't France. Marked, if Japan bombed upper New Zealand, do you think that no one should intervene? Would it be all about money for New Zealand to attack Japan?
  10. :o It's in Portuguese. I can't help you here. >.<
  11. :3 She just made it a quickie. Crimson, I really like that sprite. : > I can't wait to see some more progress on yer' game.
  12. Kiriashi

    Tilesets :S

    I finished the candy shop one. I'll get the other two done later. And yes Siverix, someone asked for them on the forums and you said "I have done it! MUHAHAH! I AM INSANE!" :3
  13. I'm sure there is an addon in Blizzard's "Tons of Addons for Blizz ABS" for a party HUD. Just edit out the first one so the leader's bar isn't shown.
  14. Kiriashi


    Fibonacci numbers! It's 377! :3 My riddle: You are a very very tall school bus driver on the way to pick up a few students. At the first stop, 6 students board the bus. At the second stop, 8 students board the bus. At the third stop, 2 students exit the bus and 4 more get on. At the last stop, the rest of the students exit the bus. What color are the bus driver's eyes?
  15. You should make the map take up the whole screen. ^~^ The maps look really cool!
  16. Could you please post the script here. How can we help you otherwise?
  17. It totally matches the RTP! Did you make that sprite!?
  18. Looks pretty cool! The text is a bit hard to see though.
  19. :< That's it... can't i have it too? I'll get to it eventually. xD
  20. Kiriashi

    Tilesets :S

    The user Siverix already set up the mega tilesets. I'm not quite sure where the download is, but you can find it if you look around here. I am downloading your thingy now. I wish you used media fire.. I hate this wait thing. PLus its making me wait 15 more minutes because I downloaded from there recently.
  21. Okay fine, whatever. I didn't mean any offense. It would take you 1 minute to make it, but I'll just replay it. (All you have to do is change a few switches, the starting position, open it play it and save it, then upload. No need to get hostile towards me. :sweatdrop:
  22. ...Except for custom battle system scripts. :sweatdrop:
  23. http://www.upokecenter.com/projects/pokestarter/ JT, is this the error we solved last night or not? I can't remember what I helped you with. >.<
  24. Kiriashi

    Event.s Radar

    Not everyone knows what Tenchu is, including me. Could you please describe the radar? What does it do?
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