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Lord Vectra

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About Lord Vectra

  • Rank
  • Birthday 12/17/1999


  • Referer
    Finding resources

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Engines I Use

  • RPG Maker VX Ace
  • RPG Maker XP
  • RPG Maker MV


  • Prefered Engine
    RPG Maker VX Ace
  • Engine Level
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  • Other Skills
    Databasing, Writer, and Level/Battle Designing

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  1. *pokes and then dabs*

    1. TheBloop


      ..well hello there,

  2. Does anyone have a copy of this script? Link is broken.
  3. Why am I here? Well, I'm on here because I wanted to use a script I couldn't download unless I signed in, so the call of resources led me to this strange and mysterious land. Anyways, here I am, so I might as well stay and get comfortable. I am Lord Vectra, ruler of the Fiendish Elves(a race I created for my Vectra persona). How did I start RPG Maker I was 11 and my mother came across Vx. She got it for me, and I loved it ever since. Tried using XP (trial), but I was all like "what is this white background when I paste tiles?" and I was in the age that parents didn't allow me to be on forums, so I was stuck not knowing for myself. I do know why now in case anyone is wondering. Why did you join any of the forums in the first place? I couldn't use a lot of scripts because forums often required you to login or signup to get it. That is when I self-taught myself how to event things. I remember getting anxious when I saw posts in "help" sections where people didn't know the solution to an eventing problem but I did or when they say "it's not possible through eventing" when I know it is. Ah, the memories, but now I can just outright say "It is possible if you do [say solution here]." I earned Best Eventer award in RPG Maker Central with 7-2-1-1-1 (me being 7 obviously). I will say, in all the forums, my presence was not welcomed by scripters. >Member walking in saying "I want X" >scripters say "use this" >I give an eventing alternative >Member uses mine instead Or when it was said it isnt possible and I prove on the same day that it is. Or I flooded the help forums looking for every post I ever found unanswered and answered them. Not all the scripters in all the forums had a little.. tension towards me. It was like 2 - 3 per forum - usually the same people. ANYWAYS, I initially joined the RPG forums so I can help people with their eventing issues. It always bothered me how quick people are to say "just use a script" especially when a member specifically says he/she doesn't want one. Eventually, I started getting all the ambitious soloists and/or eventers where they would randomly PM on "how to do X." They'll seek me out if their forum post about eventing is left unanswered for long enough. Ah, do I miss those times. It got kinda awkward when people started giving me job positions because i was only 15 or 16. The man that claims he's the master eventer can't get a job for eventing. Ah, the irony. I still say I am the Master Eventer and I take pride in that. Am I the ONLY Master Eventer? Probably not, but I never met an Eventer whose eventing skills I could not match and/or exceed. I don't use it to talk down or bully people because I love it when I see people who recognizes the true potential eventing has. With that being said, I have no quarrels with scripters. Anyways, so during my years of self-taught, I was forced into learning eventing. If I needed a script I could not get, I would just event it, and within a short period of time, voila! The script has been created in eventing form. I took the scripts I could get and evented the ones I couldn't, and I eventually became very skilled in what I did. Any current or already-done projects? I created a project called "World of Chaos" and I created 7 in it's series with the 8th one being only partially done. I decided to scrap them all and redo them from scratch. I haven't done the first one yet because of depression, school, family issues, bullying, etc, and World of Chaos is a childhood story I made that I usually got glowing reviews concerning it's plot, so when I create it, I want it to be exactly how I imagined it. It was on good progress recently but the database got messy and states were all disorganized as well as the enemies and leveling, and so it was so messy, I'm going to scrap it all over again (but imma transfer the scripts it had first). I am currently doing Mythical Legends: Azar Chronicles because it's a much smaller game, and I want something in my name, yknow? Hobbyist or Professional/Wannabe Professional Hobbyist Why do you like to use RPG Maker I may be a hobbyist, but I do it so often that people think I'm trying to be a professional at it. I love creating things in the world of fantasy, and it's something I love doing, but I know what it is to be a full-time game designer, and I don't think I would love it as a full-time job or maybe I will - who knows. To give you an example, when I meet people whether it's online or in real life, I create a fantasy character of them in my head because I find that enjoyable. My psychology teacher had the ability to give anyone any psychological disorder she wanted and a friend had the ability of frictionless armor for lack of resistance, frictionless razors on feet for superb skating on anything, on arms for cutting through things, and can turn her hand into a machine made up of a bunch of spinning razors to grab and slice someone's face up and since it's frictionless, it'll more easily cut through whatever is guarding your face. A forum friend of mine, Rikifive, I imagine him as a rainbow shining knight with a lance splitting right through the enemy's front lines with a rainbow as he's riding on the rainbow on his rainbow pony defeating the enemy forces. A fellow Admin, Amerk, is highly resistant to all damage, and his punches are so strong, that the wind from his fist will push you back and bruise even if he misses. Kaz, his battle-sister, is similar when it comes to resistance but instead of unmatched brute strength, she has words that have power. I have a roleplay server, and I have 5 games in there that's up and running with all of them having various plots and worlds. You could probably imagine I love writing, but not as much as games and it's the same with movies. To me, a game is like a book and a movie but the difference is that while playing the game, you can potentially change the story you're seeing. Meaning, you are changing the story by the choices you make and unless its "create your own journey" book based on you, making choices, games will always be #1 compared to books and movies. Anyways, so to summarize this heap of information. I came to this particular forum for a script (which the link is outdate, RIP) I join RPG Maker forums specifically to help people with eventing, databasing, mapping, etc. I'm getting kinda good in scripting. I use RPG Maker because I love creating things in the world of fantasy for the sake of creating things in the world of fantasy.
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