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A Flannel Shirt

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  1. I'll take a look at your stuff when I get home. I've actually fixed the issues you mentioned. I feel the orignal music part is needed. For the rmxp community it isn't because we are (or should be) familar with the original music that comes with the program. But to the other folks that don't know I want them to know that I did the music for that section. I have a few play testers that are not part of the rmxp crowd. Once again thanks. :)
  2. Wow that's picky. :P No biggie, most of that stuff isn't hard to fix at all. What do you mean by this "stuff in a illogical place?" Do you have any examples of your maps so I can compare? { Original Music } means non standard music written by myself. In this screen shot http://img61.imageshack.us/my.php?image=treebugui8.jpg On the right tree in the picture: If I change the shadow on the ground of that tree then won't the character also be above the actually tree branch? How would you go about fixing that? Thanks btw. I don't mind the pickyness. EDIT: I was messing with the maps, and I realized that if I just take out all the shadows of the trees it looks good. I will post some screen shots later.
  3. Lets see where to begin. This is the current state of my demo I've been working on and off for quite some time. Before you start ripping this to pieces I would like for everyone to focus on the following. (By all means this does not mean only rip apart these sections, but these are the sections that are most important to me. If you feel strong enough about something that sucks, let it out) I know my mapping isn't that great. Playability (do things work?) Story - Good/Bad - Why? Fun - Yes/No - Why? Map errors - Places that shouldn't be walked on, bushes on top of trees, etc..(Not the maps themself). What did you like about it? What did you not like? Spelling and grammar. New Version 2.01 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VRU4Z3JM Old Version 2.0 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=M17OY6YJ Story It has been a distressing time for the Kingdom of Alus Baron. A group of thieves has amassed a large amount of power in a short amount of time. Both sides have mobilized their armies for an upcoming war. Dark times follow for the world as the four elemental guardians have gone into hiding. Without the protection of the guardians, the world will plummet into chaos and disorder. Screen Shots ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Features Character and Face Graphics: I am trying to get all the character battler and face graphics customized. By this I mean that the characters will not be the standard RMXP pictures. They may look the same (IE Color, lancer armor, etc) but they are not. The battlers were made using character make RPG. The faces were made using face maker RPG. Status = 99% Completed ------------- Quest Tracker I added a character named Huff that will make it easier to reMember quests and keep track of them. In game terms he is an artist seeking inspiration and when the group finishes a quest they will have a "note" in their inventory. When the group gives Huff this note he will reward them. Also when the group gets a quest, a "note" will be placed in the inventory stating the quest's name and mission. Status = 99% Completed (New quests added all the time) ------------- I understand my mapping isn't that great. Every time I edit my game (even if I'm not map fixing) I tend to fix little things about my maps. There are well over 100 maps. It takes time. Status = N/A ------------- I plan to add quite a bit more dialog. I left the dialog a little bleak to finish up the rough ideas before they left my head. Status = N/A ------------- There is a subtle romance between the main character and the female cleric. I plan to make this more evident. Status = N/A ------------- Adding more score-able variables. What I mean by that is such things as music ability, fishing skills, fame, infamy, popularity etc. Gambling has been implemented as well as playing a game of rock paper scissors. I also plan to lower the amount of music talent needed to get the music skill. This will also mean lower pay outs for performing in the tavern. Status = 100% ------------- Redo most of the maps in the fire cave and add the fire guardian to the cave. Status = 100% Completed ------------- Playing Rock Paper Scissors skills Playing rock paper scissors will result in gaining a skill to use. The skill will be determined by XXX amounts of wins per type: rock, paper or scissors. Status = 100% Completed ------------- Running or Dash It is now possible to run by holding in the "Q" button. Status = 100% Completed ------------- Monster/Character Balance I think this speaks for itself. At the start of the game there is a chest (In the House) that will advance your character to a high level and give almost the best gear in the game. I am doing this because the characters and monsters are not yet balanced the way I want them. I want everyone to be able to blast by the monsters at this point to see if anything in the game doesn't work. No one has to do this, but who knows how easy or hard the game will be. I will probably do this last after everything else is done. Status = 1% Completed ------------- Mining System The system should be working properly. I fixed a few small grammatical errors for version 1.61. Things should be working. Also in version 1.61 I added a (timed) way to limit the amount of mining done. In game terms there are gasses in the mine that damage the group if you stay in the mine too long. You can extend your mining time by finding a canary. Both the canary and the mine are in full working order. Status = 100% --------- Music System Duh, you can play music and get music based skills and gold. Status = 100% ------------- Gambling Duh, you can gamble Status = 100% ------------- Fishing System Duh, you can fish. Status = 100% ------------- Equipment Balance In version 1.61 I started to balance the weapons damage and costs. I used a custom formula that really has no rhyme or reason to it. It was just a way to make things consistent with the prices of ore, weapons, and armor. I still need to find an in game way to create leather armor. Armor for the gunner and hunter classes have not been balanced yet. I still need to adjust the armor for the mage, gunner, and hunter classes. That shouldn't take me too long. Status = 95% Completed ------------- Mining damage and healing If you stay in the mines to mine ore too long you will take damage. If you take too much damage the group will be poisoned. If you continue to leave the mines due to the gases characters will take permanate damage. If a character takes permanat damage there is a place where they can get healed backed to normal status. Status = 100% Completed ------------- Weapon/Armor Forging There is now a shop that allows you to bring in XX amounts of ore and create weapons and armor. I will eventually think of a way (in game) to create leather armor. Status = 100% Completed ------------- Airship I decided to fully create the airship. When the characters get the airship, they will be allowed to fly around the world map and discover new areas, quests, and monsters. The current system works regardless of the characters in the party. If I add new playable characters, it won't take me much to add to the airship "event." However, in version 1.61 it isn't possible to get the airship yet. But once I implement that part of the story, the airship will be ready. This has been completed in the new version. Status = 100% Completed ------------- World map I decided (along with the airship) to further build on the world map concept. I should have started the game with a (overview) world map, but I am not going to go back and fix it now. For story and game purposes, I plan to make the final battle really difficult. So when the group gets the airship, they can fly around the world map to get EXP, gold, and equipment. Without flying around to get more stuff (hunting areas, quests, money, weapons, and armor) the final battle should not be possible. Status = 65% Completed ------------- Group Selection and Switching In a future version I plan to add a way to change party Members at will. I know there are scripts out there that will make this easy, but I am going to create a events for this. I want this to be my game, not a bunch of random cool scripts everyone else has done. Status = 100% Completed ------------- Character Enhancements (Upgrades) The game is now set up to upgrade character classes. For example fighter to knight, mage to wizard, etc. Currently there is no real advantage, but the methods to chage are implimented. Only thing that happens now is the character graphics change. Status = 50% Completed ------------- New Characters All the characters are currently implimented into the game. The three newest characters are a caller, werewolf and vampire. It is possible to get these characters, however they are not fully implimented. Status = 80% Completed ------------- Werewolf Character Current status of the werewolf character: More skills needed. Status = 50% Completed ------------- Caller Character Current status of the caller character: The skills have been implimented, but there is no way to get the skills. Callers are people that summon animals instead of spells. The plan that I intend to do is create the animal to defeat, and once the animal has been defeated, the caller can summon them into battle. Status = 10% Completed ------------- Vampire Character Current status of the vampire character: More skills needed. Status = 50% Completed ------------- The main purpose of what I am trying to accomplish in this game is the choice between good (Fame) and evil (Infamy). During the game the player will be given choices. Those choices will determine many different things. The reactions of NPCs, shops, monsters and even the ending will be different based on your fame to infamy score. Call it alignment if you are more familiar with that term. This will always be worked into the game. The game currently has an end, but just a final battle and end, I have not done the cutscenes. There will be so much more near the end of the game, but I wanted to get a demo out before I went on vacation, so I just made a quick ending. ------------- New Version 2.01 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VRU4Z3JM Old Version 2.0 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=M17OY6YJ Things Done for Version 2.01 Added new scripts MOG_Full Battleback V1.2 MOG_Battle Panorama 1.5 MOG_Luck System V1.2 MOG_Damage System V1.2 MOG_Battle Panorama 1.5 Modified frequency of random battles Tried to reduce lag on most maps few map overhauls Fixed troll on bridge Fixed errors with the rocks at the start. There should have been more things to do. Things Needing to be Done for Version 2.02 Battle positions of troops Quests for each caller creature. Balance the power of each caller creature. More skills for vampire and werewolf. Fire Crystal implimentation Enhancement Changes (different skills learned, stronger, or whatever makes it worth it to get the changes,)
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