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Everything posted by Slider

  1. Slider

    Sprite And Battler

    I still need a battler so its not 100% resolved
  2. its gonna be my first actual project its kind of a weird concept but hey, I just thought of it Its going to be based off of Rock n Roll which means a bunch of rock songs (probably instrumental only) will be used, taking place slightly in the future It's about a guitarist named Clyde Jackel He's the lead guitarist of a garage band (havent thought of a name for it) when he finally is able to get a big show at a festival coming to his city, A crisis takes place involving some sort of robotic enemy named Delta 1275, created by the SCARaB(Super Computer Apparatus Research and Bionics) not to original i know lol and SCARaBs new CEO is a corrupt, manipulative person bent on the destruction of the earth. A shady character wearing Rags and a baseball cap gives all of the bandmates a Ring that allows them to channel magic through their music, Clyde decides to use this power to end the SCARaB company for good. Thats just a short synopsis i dont have much yet i thought up all of that in about 5min. :P so a bunch of it is subject to change I have a Resource Request For A Battler For Clyde If your intrested it has a sprite for reference
  3. Well some of you may remember me i havent been here since june 2007 and i just got to thinking ive never worked on an actual project so i need a sprite and battler id make a sprite but i have school and im too lazy and busy playing TF2 anyway <_< Name: Clyde Jackel Actually i went ahead and made the sprite for reference well theres the sprite i still need a battler preferably with him holding the guitar
  4. Slider

    I need a Battler

    It looks really good
  5. Slider

    I need a Battler

    Hello, I need a battler for the Hero of my new game, It is a game about a war that's ravaged over a planet... thus it is modern, My hero Dickie Hartman Is 18 years old he was drafted into the military for a lack of soldiers so he is a rookie soldier, if you can give him a rifle or any type of gun in his hand, and on his jacket He needs a couple pockets to store supplies If you can make him look kind of angry, the style should look kind of dark but not REALLY Dark alright gere's Dickie's Sprite Please, I need him pretty soon and Thanks in advance
  6. alright I'll get right on it sorry about the sloppy head :unsure:
  7. Sorry for double posting,I'll try to fix it... that is if you don't need him yet but, if you do I'll try to fix it Edit: Sorry and because I'm all out for quality how is this for a side view?
  8. ya i made it bigger i'll tone down the size then finish it up thanks for sayin u liked it i just started spriting last weekend so it feels good to get some praise Alright I have the dragons sprite from the side Tell me if you want it smaller Im done with the sheet but it wont let me post it so here's the file!
  9. For some reason Naruto's my favorite and the english dub sucks!
  10. Presenting.... The fusion between Megaman and Mario Megamario alright i threw it together in like 2 minutes anyone have any opinions? (and yes i did resize it so u can see it)
  11. Slider

    A request.

    hey ive never made a battler before im a spriter
  12. I actually started last weekend <_< I guess im just a natural
  13. Slider

    A request.

    uh....heh quick battler
  14. Thanks I don't think I'm all that great...
  15. My Favorite song is stairway to heaven by led zeppelin I like the solo at the end I should learn how to play it on my guitar sometime im always playing video games or stuff like that <_<
  16. I'll Try to get the black one i guess i'll have a base done tommorow at the latest so then you can tell me if you like it and if not i can scrap it and restart <_< Alright this is a base sprite tell me if you like it and if you do I'll make a sheet The I used Photobucket and the switch between bitmap to Jpeg took away color information
  17. Slider

    A request.

    Well This is what I got Mob and Giant Slime
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