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romeir90 last won the day on November 14 2010

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About romeir90

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  • Birthday 06/05/1990

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  1. Just checking to see how much you've gotten done. I'm working on the events right now for part I of chapter 1 so at the moment no rush.

  2. Here are some maps I have uploaded. They are all made by me ovbiously: Again, if you would like to see a map of any specific tileset, just ask, and I will make one as soon as possible (and if the tileset it's not on the RTP upload it and I'll download it).
  3. I'm applying for a mapper possition. I'll upload some pictures in a minute. Also any tileset you want to see?
  4. Oh, that thing is from the picture I took, it was the selected tile. But I'm going to upload a bigger one in a minute. Here it it is. Hmm... if upload 'em here, the pics are shrinked <_<
  5. This is almost two months old, but according to the rules this isn't necroposting. Here's one of my first maps, I ussed some of the autotiles posted before.
  6. Maaaan! That game is sweeeet! You have to tell me, what battle system is that!? I find it addictive, you have to be on your toes at every turn, it takes away the borig part of RPG's and gives it an action feeling. Man I even died ten times in about 20 minutes and I still want to play it!![insert loud fangirl sqweee here] And the voices, I love the voices! It is great a jump from all the other games I've played, are the voice actors friends of your's? or are they pro's? Oh man I need another play in that, I tell you, it's addictive!! (Sorry if I sound like drug usser there but really, it's awesome!) Can anybody else tell me what system is that?
  7. You may notice that I have been a member for quite a long time. But the thing is that as far as I remember I never introduced myself. So... Hi everyone! I quitted RPG making after only about a month of starting my project (that would be a month and a half after I joined RMU), but now I'm back and with new energies and ideas :biggrin_002: and I hope to take this project to it's end and be of help here at RMU. So, if you need anything and think I might be useful just ask!
  8. romeir90

    Elven Knight

    This is an example of the results from adding the ears to the Charamaker XP. Notice that with some types of hair there may be some odd pixels, nothing that a minute in paint can't fix.
  9. romeir90

    Elfen Ears

    This is the skin for an elf woman, use the instructions in Elven Ears.
  10. romeir90

    Elven Ears

    This is a template of elven ears to be used along with Elven Skin in the Character Maker XP. Just add the skin as a a skin (ovbiously) and the ears in the ears section (¬¬). You may notice that the first row is missing, that's because in the maker it would put the ears above the hair and that looked strange.
  11. romeir90

    Elven Skin

    This is the basic XP RTP chara template. I added some elven ears to be used along with the next image in the character maker for XP.
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