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About Jambo6c

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 10/24/1990

Contact Methods

  • Steam Profile
  • Website URL
    http://Coming Soon

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Stratford-upon-Avon (England)
  • Interests
    Sport, computers (programming, website design, gaming), games consoles, writing, acting, guitar, some singing.
  1. Hey guys Not long after my 'epic' return, I've fallen ill! :( I've been in bed with a virus as well as a cold and a sore throat and basically all of your everyday illnesses rolled into one! So another apology here just for not being active since coming back, but hopefully I will make a semi-swift recovery (the chance for swift has already passed :\ ) and be back again soon! Sorry once more guys! SA
  2. University, ahh yeah. That's me next year hopefully! Good luck!!! SA
  3. Thanks people!!! Why is the rum, why is the rum, why is the, why is the rum gone??? lol oh and hi Joey!! xD SA
  4. My bookmarks are: -Here -UCAS Tariff:Tariff Tables -MAMP -The Apple Store (for some reason the US version?) -UCAS -OneMoreLevel -Mousebreaker -Wikipedia -NHL -YouTube -Google Images ...a fair few lol Oh and I discovered that mystery too :D SA
  5. [[This is basically the original story behind the game which I've been on/off making - my mate and I were working on the two simultaneously, writing the story and planning the game. Therefore some of the writing maybe a little juvenile because it's from like year 9 ... 4 years ago! Also for anyone who did actually download the demo there may be some continuity errors!]] [[This will be posted in parts]] -Chapter 1: The First Meeting- Seth awoke. He got up slowly, silently moving his six-foot frame to the window. He was reaching to shut the window when he hesitated. He'd seen an orb in the sky - a red orb. He smiled to himself, realising he'd never seen one of these before. Seth blinked, and once he had done so the orb was merely an inch from his body. It hit him, hard. His ribs felt like they had shattered and his left lung almost exploded with the pain. The force of the collision sent him hurtling into the opposite wall, which crumbled as he fell. As Seth continued through it, a piece of stone penetrated his skin. He fell to the ground outside writhing in pain, and sat up before coughing up a large portion of his crimson blood. He collapsed back down, his heart fighting a difficult battle to keep him alive. How could he die now, when he was so close to finding them? He had struggled for 16 long years, and he was so close now! His heart slowed down and he took in a deep breath. The air simply kept him conscious for a few more seconds. He closed his eyes and his heart pumped one last effort to win its fight. He rolled onto his back and lay there. -Chapter 2: In the Heart of Darkness- "Finally after all the years of trying, I've done it! After sixteen long years of trying I have finally rid myself of my foe," he thought to himself. "The ironic thing is, it wasn't me who killed him, it was my second in command." He smiled an evil smile as he awaited the call. His mind scanned for signals but none came. Maybe she had perished too? Then where would he be, without Aries? That would present no problem, however, as Rasken had been just waiting for a chance to worm his way into second in command. He was physically strong, but his will easily bent, unlike Aires. Many times he had tried, but always failed - she always prevailed. He would have killed her a long time ago had she not grown on him. It pleased him to have someone around to second-guess his judgements. She forced him to make sure he was always on his toes. At last he got a signal - it was her! She was alive ... but had been disturbed by the punishing of such an innocent young boy. The boy though he was ordinary. Kinar didn't care though, as long as Seth was dead. Just as he had suspected she would feel sorry for the boy, but at least she had succeeded....hadn't he?
  6. Jambo6c

    Your Pics

    Oh and by the way Pol, you do look a little like Harry potter :) Sorry! If it's any consolation you look tougher!
  7. Jambo6c

    Your Pics

    I'm not one for posting photos individually really, 'cus I have my Facebook profile to do that for me :D Check it out here if you like! SA
  8. As an example for a TBS, assuming I'm thinking of the right system, you could have Advance Wars :) I voted: Ideal thief, Kairun, TBS SA
  9. Same. I never thought of you as a guy. You even type like a girl. Yeah I only found out about all this today, so this is the same for me - I'll see you as the same girl I've always seen you as :)
  10. [[ I think the activity in this just fizzled out :\ I was enjoyin this as well :P Kiriashi, if you start a new one I will join it!!! :D SA ]]
  11. Hey guys!!! I've not been active in GOOOODDDDDDDD knows how long!!!! I've had a tough time recently because believe it or not I've had to live *gulp* without internet!!! Basically we got our router free with our mobile contracts with Orange. However we both switched over to O2 and recently Orange found out about this! They cut us off and were refusing to re-activate our accounts blah blah. Anyway we've now been able to get an address change under a family friend who is still with Orange but doesn't have a BT line and so cannot use the box. Cheeky I know! Anyway, just to say sorry I've been gone, but I'm back on now!!! Thanks y'all! The Silent Assassin
  12. That's a very good point actually ... I'm not 100% sure. Pol?
  13. Ah so you mean instead of the 5 categories just 1 official MOTM? Good idea
  14. Hey y'all, I've set up a new blog reviewing horror movies. The only entry for now is my top 10, but I figure that's a good starting point. Check it out here!!! Peace out!
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